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The only possible explanation

I have to admit I had the same reaction to this DCCC fundraising email as Jane Hamsher at Firedoglake. See anything missing from this excerpt?

At this moment, Speaker Boehner is crafting a deficit deal that would gut Medicare and Social Security, while slashing benefits for seniors and the middle class in order to make sure he protects tax breaks for millionaires. This is unacceptable and House Democrats will not stand for this.

What kind of fools do they take us for? (Note: that was a rhetorical question only) It takes two to tango, and Boehner couldn’t be negotiating Social Security reductions if he didn’t have the dancing partner that the DCCC leaves out of the picture.

This is a make or break issue for yours truly. No one gets a dime of my money or a minute of my time that votes for this deal, and though I will vote for the unnamed dancer in 2012 as the least of two evils, I will do so with nose firmly between fingers, should this deal go through.

It is a mystery to me why any Democratic president would be as anxious as Obama to cut Social Security, to the point where he is offering cuts the Republicans didn’t even demand.

I can conceive of only two reasons for Obama’s apparent determination to deprive his fellow Democrats of the Social Security and Medicare issues, not to mention the deprivations he will visit on the millions of people who will suffer as a result of this callous gamesmanship. I dismiss out of hand the idea that he actually believes that the voodoo economics he’s been espousing makes sense.

The first possible reason is that Obama irrationally craves approval from those who will never bestow it, while simultaneously scorning those who so desperately want to approve. Perhaps it has something to do with his relationship to his father.

The other theory is articulated here:

You have to admit, it explains a lot.

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