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Newt disobeys Reagan

There is one and only one unbreakable commandment in the Republican party: Thou shalt love Ronald Reagan as thou lovest Jesus. Indeed, thou shalt love him so much that thou shall refuse to believe that he did anything with which you purport to disagree, such as raising taxes, no matter that the facts are indisputable in the reality based world.

But like Jesus, Reagan laid down commandments of his own, and again as with Jesus, his most rabid followers tend to disobey them more often than the non-believers. Latest apostate, Newt Gingrich has announced he is about to break Reagan’s 11th Commandment, (Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican). Newt is only the latest self proclaimed Reagan worshipper (as in all other things, Willard’s avowals are a bit suspect, but he does make the claim) to disobey Ronnie’s imprecation. Is there a Republican hell to which they’ll be consigned? We can only hope.

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