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Cynicism 101

It’s raining here in Vermont, else I’d be doing something other than ranting, but when life deals you lemons…

Okay, so I’ve done my feel good post for the week, meaning I can go back to cynicism and decrying the death of the American Republic.

But speaking of cynicism:

President Barack Obama met with Apple CEO Tim Cook and a number of other technology executives yesterday to discuss government surveillance, according to Politico. Thursday’s meeting was one of “a number of discussions” the Obama administration is holding on surveillance, which an aide said is part of the president’s “national dialogue about how to best protect privacy in a digital era, including how to respect privacy while defending our national security.” Cook had no comment on the report. The issue of government surveillance has been in the spotlight since a June report on PRISM, the code name of the extensive government data mining program. Apple denied knowledge of the program, and denied its servers were being accessed by government agencies.

(via iLounge News)

You really can’t top this. With whom better to start a dialog about interference with privacy than with your partners in surveillance, the ones who readily and without protest co-operated with what was perhaps the most massive invasion of privacy in the history of the world? But what can you expect from a guy who is making Russia look good in the Snowden affair and who has consistently shown that he is in thrall to the “national security” interests that insist that we common folk have no rights to privacy that the security state is bound to respect.

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