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Search Results for: Everyone else must fail

Doesn’t Coca-Cola own any Senators?

Much has been written about the fact, as reported by the Times, that the banks, not being satisfied with using our money to gamble, are now using it to corner the market in metals, enabled as always by a compliant Fed and Congress. Read the Times article for the details, if you haven’t already. It’s […]

An economic theory, revisited

Paul Krugman grapples with the baffling fact that austerity continues its grip on policy when it has been proven ineffective time and again: Part of the answer surely lies in the widespread desire to see economics as a morality play, to make it a tale of excess and its consequences. We lived beyond our means, […]

And furthermore…

Paul Krugman points out, with the aid of this handy spreadsheet: that: Tax rates for the super-elite, the top .01%, have fallen in half since Mitt Romney’s father ran for president; or to put it differently, after tax income for this group has doubled due to policy alone. And bear in mind that the US […]

Scotty Walker writes to my wife

Somehow, and no matter how it was, it was she did nothing to deserve it, my wife has ended up on a right wing mailing list. It first started with Sharon Angle (remember her?) and as these things will, it has metastasized until just about every right wing organization is writing to her. She normally […]

Deems ready to throw a lifeline?

There is a tale unfolding in Washington that beggars belief. I’ve said before that, in Washington, if your opponent hands you a knife, you are honor bound to stick it into him. Well, the Republicans just handed the Democrats a knife of finest steel, honed razor sharp, and if rumors are to be credited, and […]

Another modest proposal

Now that we have evidence that Clarence Thomas has committed a crime by failing to report the “sale” of his house to his rich benefactor, who proceeded to let Clarence’s Mom continue to live there (rent free I’m sure) while paying for improvements to the place and the property taxes, it would seem that Clarence […]

An easy prediction

I’ve mentioned before that The Palmer Report is a guilty pleasure of mine. They usually get their facts right, though the conclusions they draw from those facts are often subject to doubt, though I will say that they their analysis of the election results has been right on. But I must take issue with this […]

Can’t we (Democrats) all just get along?

The rancor coming from all sides in the Democratic field is depressing, to say the least. We have always been good at creating circular firing squads, but this is really getting out of hand. The common stereotype is that the Bernie Bros are the my way or the highway wing of the party, but I’ve […]

Yet another Open Letter to the New London Day

I’m glad to see that the Day is maintaining its policy of balancing each liberal column it runs with one (or more) by a conservative. After all, it’s been a few weeks since you hired right wing nutcase Lee Elci. Failed and embittered ex-legislator John Scott’s column in this morning’s paper (can’t seem to bring […]

To impeach or not impeach

There’s been a lot more serious talk about impeachment lately, which makes sense, since there’s been a lot more evidence to support it, though some of that evidence, it seems to me, was a matter of public record before, but we’re revisiting the implications. For instance, I believe it was known before that Trump confiscated […]