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Can’t we (Democrats) all just get along?

The rancor coming from all sides in the Democratic field is depressing, to say the least. We have always been good at creating circular firing squads, but this is really getting out of hand. The common stereotype is that the Bernie Bros are the my way or the highway wing of the party, but I’ve seen plenty of evidence that there are folks all over the Democratic ideological map more intent on undermining their disfavored Democratic candidate than defeating the orange monster. I know of two Biden fans here in Connecticut who spend a lot of on line time bashing Bernie, which neither enhances Biden’s chances for the nomination or election, or changes the minds of the die hard Bernie-ites. And of course there are the die hards of all stripes who insist that if their choice doesn’t get it, they simply won’t vote. After all, what could go wrong?

We have a man in the White House auditioning to be America’s Hitler and an entire political party getting fitted for brown shirts, but we spend our time bashing each other, which the press will only gladly amplify. After all, to be fair to both sides the press must point out that the Democrats are in Disarray!, while the Republicans are running an electoral juggernaut, notwithstanding the near record number of Republican Congresscritters who have decided to spend more time with their families.

There’s not a person in the Democratic pack, especially now that Tulsi is an afterthought, that wouldn’t be a better president than the genius. There’s also not a single one of them that can’t win, provided all of us line up behind her or him. I can’t recall an election in my lifetime in which some pundit hasn’t said that it was the most important election in their lifetime. Well, this time it’s true. If we lose this one, we will have a dictatorship.

Every Democratic candidate should, in every speech, emphasize that he or she is with whoever gets the nomination. For myself, when it comes to the primary, a candidate’s failure to do exactly that will weigh heavily in my decision. But once the final choice is made, I’ll be behind the nominee 100%, as should everyone else who would like to see the Republic survive. 

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