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Category Archives: Media

Fakish news

This is really rather infuriating: President Trump’s proposal to slash domestic spending in order to preserve the two biggest drains on the federal government — Social Security and Medicare — has set up a battle to determine who now controls the Republican Party’s ideology. … Mr. Trump’s budget blueprint — which is expected to be […]

Normalization begins-Local Edition

I’ve noted before in this space that we get three newspapers daily. Since the election I have hardly glanced at them, know what I was going to see, but my New Years Resolution is to force myself to do so. So today, the front page news in all three papers involved the House Republicans backing […]

Physician, heal thyself

This was in the New London Day a couple of days ago: Hartford — The State Department will have $160 million at its disposal over the next two years to help news organizations overseas combat propaganda from countries such as Russia. “This fund would be used to try to build up independent journalism in states […]

I think this is a reasonable question

Why are stupid people like Steve King on television time and again while intelligent people so rarely make an appearance? In the latest of the many, many stupid things he has said on national television, King recently claimed that the fact that Republicans stole the Florida election from Gore in 2000 (no fraudulent votes, just […]

Miracles do happen

As I said in a recent post, I did not intend to watch the debate, and I didn’t. However, my wife did, and while she very considerately removed her Ipad and herself to another room while she watched, I couldn’t help overhear some of it in real time. My own impression was that she was […]

I won’t be watching

I’ve watched most of the presidential debates over the course of my lifetime. I’ve missed a few due to other commitments. I remember, for instance, having to listen to the Quayle-Bentsen debate, of lasting memory, in the car as I drove home from something or other. But I’ll be giving this debate a pass. As […]

No, Trump did not make the stupid party

Sometimes it amazes me. The New York Times has an op-ed columnist with a Nobel Prize in Economics, but it appears no one at the Times reads his columns. How else to explain that someone let a Republican (Max Boot) write an op-ed piece claiming that the Republican Party has only recently become the actual […]

Our Free Press at Work

Sorry to return to this subject, but… If there were a God, I would be thanking him or her right now for the fact that I don’t have a television nor am I forced to watch television news. Put Fox aside. Are there no televison “journalists” with the guts to call bullshit on Republican spinmeisters? […]

Those Brits, behind the times

Simon Wren-Lewis is a British economist who has a blog called Mainly Macro. Recently he blamed the British tabloids for the Brexit vote, among other things: My post ‘The triumph of the tabloids’ is now easily my most read post in the four and a half years I have been writing a blog. I suspect […]

Getting easier to pass the Trump test

We folks here in Southeastern Connecticut have had to watch the slow decline of the New London Day, which used to be a good newspaper with a reasonable editorial policy. It has now become, essentially, an automatic supporter of all but the most insane Republicans, and even they get a second look. One of the […]