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Monthly Archives: June 2024

Call them what they are

I am in the process of reading Radical Connecticut by Andy Piascik and Steve Thornton. I was struck by this paragraph in the chapter titled “It Can’t Happen Here”, which discusses the performance of Sinclair Lewis’s play of that name in Connecticut: Americans in the 1930s were being groomed to accept fascism as a macho […]

Even in Vermont

A bit out of the ordinary for this blog, but since I spend a lot of time there, I can’t help passing on this story from Vermont. It had been my impression that the Vermont Republican Party had not yet gone full crazy, at least not as crazy as most of the rest of the […]

Yet another modest proposal

The latest lie (there may be a new one before I post this) the right is spreading is the claim that Joe Biden wanted to be able to sit through the upcoming debate, yet another example of projection since it’s unlikely Trump will be able to stay awake through the whole thing, assuming he doesn’t […]

A not so surprising development

Trump’s minions are now laying the groundwork for pulling out of the upcoming debates. Hannity is even making the risible claim that Biden will be so “jacked up” that the competition will be unfair. I suggested last month, when the debates were first announced: The Democrats, who rarely act in concert to push a point, […]

Yet another modest proposal

I’ve complained a number of times about the failure of Democrats to get their message out in an effective way. There are some indications that the Biden campaign is trying its best, so that’s a good thing. Nonetheless, I have a modest proposal, inspired by reading this report of the latest idiotic Trump statement to […]

Something happening here, what it is ain’t exactly clear

Well, maybe it is clear. Just wondering how much attention this will get in the mainstream: Nine witnesses in the criminal cases against former President Donald Trump have received significant financial benefits, including large raises from his campaign, severance packages, new jobs, and a grant of shares and cash from Trump’s media company. The benefits […]