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Monthly Archives: August 2024

Time to attack

It’s not often that I disagree with digby over at Hullabaloo, but this is one of those times. She has a post recounting the many times the New York Times has committed journalistic malpractice when it comes to Donald Trump. I don’t argue with the main thrust of the post, which is quite good, but […]

RFJ Jr. drops out

This is a bit of a follow up to my post from a week ago, in which I made the not terribly difficult prediction that RFK Jr. would drop out and Trump would promise him a role in his administration. It’s not good news for the Harris campaign, but I’m going to look on the […]

For sale to the highest bidder

I’m not sure how much attention this story is getting, but it should be featured in the media rather prominently. It appears that RFK Jr., has concluded that he is not, after all, going to win the presidency, so he is up for selling his endorsement to the highest bidder, the consideration being a cabinet […]

Primary Day in Groton

As I wrote yesterday, I spent the entire day acting as a checker at my local polling place. As I did so, I documented the exciting events of the day. The reader can decide what conclusions to draw about the level of enthusiasm out there for whatever candidate wins this primary. Personally, I think Chris […]

There’s a primary tomorrow

I haven’t posted for a while. I can explain. We spent last week in Vermont and my time was filled with family events. Well, not completely, but enough to keep me away from blogging. Also, it’s getting harder and harder to come up with anything that hasn’t already been beaten to death by the blogs […]

It would be nice, but it ain’t going to happen

I came across this article at Lawyers, Guns & Money recently, and I have to admit that I fervently hope that this speculation turns out to be true. One of the bloggers there, Paul Campos, passed on a tweet from Anthony Scarmucci (of all people) who says we should not be surprised if Trump drops […]