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Category Archives: Media

My liberal heart is bleeding

I feel so bad for Gretchen Carlson: Former “Fox & Friends” co-host Gretchen Carlson alleged in an explosive lawsuit filed Wednesday that Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes fired her for rebuffing his sexual advances and challenging a sexist newsroom culture. Carlson, who spent 11 years at the network, described being ostracized and marginalized […]

The mind of a pundit

If you read Dean Baker’s blog, Beat the Press on a regular basis, you know that he regularly beats up on Washington Post columnist Robert Samuelson, especially when Samuelson offers up yet more reasons to eviscerate social security. Today Dean relates that Samuelson is upset that Obama has joined the ranks (if only rhetorically) of […]

Times to Donald: You hurt our feelings. When can we do it again?

The New York Times is taking a bit of heat (example, here ) about its article this morning, in which it spends several introductory paragraphs bemoaning how mean Donald Trump is to the media, while only hinting at, rather than explicitly saying, that he lied about his donations to Veteran’s groups. To my mind, the […]

Your point being?

This morning’s Boston Globe has an article entitled In Custody case, Clinton took the side of a father. When she was a thirty year old lawyer Clinton represented a father in a custody case and she won. For that era, it was quite a feat. I didn’t do much family work back then, but I […]

Rejected by the Day

Recently I alluded to the fact that the New London Day, and in particular, its columnist, Dave Collins has been conducting a bit of a jihad against our State Senator, Andy Maynard. Andy suffered a brain injury before the last election. He now suffers from aphasia, which means he has trouble articulating his thoughts. As […]

Journalistic Ethics

What a great idea! Pam and Russ Martens speculate that Forbes may have pulled an article critical of JPMorgan because they don’t want to damage an interesting relationship they have with said JPMorgan. If Forbes doesn’t have to worry about a libel lawsuit, what else might be behind its rapid yanking of the article? As […]

Half right at the Economist

Over at Down with Tyranny, I had the chance to read something of the Economist’s reasoning for calling Donald Trump a global threat. Don’t get me wrong, he is truly a threat, but their list gives away a lot of what the fear of the Establishment is all about. While we’re worried about living in […]

Local grifter suffers another setback

Local Grifter John Scott, who has represented John Scott in the legislature for the past year or so, suffered yet another setback recently. I reported back in January of 2015 that John, an insurance agent who had a contract with UConn to sell health insurance to students, had selflessly (or is that selfishly?) proposed a […]

Say, what?!?!

I have been getting most of my news for more than 15 years now by cruising the net, rather than relying on newspapers. I remember reading Matt Yglesias in those very early days, and he always seemed like a guy who had his head screwed on right. Not so much, anymore, at least judging by […]

The limits of our discourse

One of the better news sources out there is Consortium News, which gives an informed but dissenting view on current affairs, primarily focusing on foreign policy. The reporters know their stuff. When I read their pieces, I call to mind the few voices that dissented from the Iraq invasion that were allowed on traditional media; […]