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Category Archives: Media

Nothing succeeds like failure

Who can ask for a better way to make a living than one in which repeated failure only improves your reputation? That's the world of Washington “experts” and pundits, today's example being one Michael O'Hanlon, who, in today's Times shares his expertise once again, explaining why the U.S. government should ignore Hamid Karzai's threats and […]

Wishful thinking at the Times

For a variety of reasons blogging here will be sparse and sporadic for a while. Today I just want to point anyone who stops by here to Dean Baker's excellent post about a recent Times editorial endorsing the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, that is currently being negotiated in secret. All indications are that the result […]

Nothing succeeds like failure

My most humble apologies if I have used this title for a post in the past. But eternal verities tend to get repeated. The New York Times reports this morning that some people are claiming that a little more inflation would be a good thing for the economy. I'm on the side of “some people” […]

More Good News

Our local paper, The New London Day is really not a bad rag, but the editors there seem to be obsessed with placating a small but vocal number of local right wingers, who continually accuse it of bias, no matter how much it bends over backward to appease them. This recently led me to pen […]

Two cheers for Dave Collins

For those of you who do not read the New London Day, Dave is a columnist who ordinarily makes a great deal of sense. A person near and dear to me thought he made a great deal of sense today, and urged me to point this out in my blog. I make a point of […]

Today’s media just can’t stand programs that help people

Anytime, anywhere. This morning I read this article in the Times about France’s “slow decline”, caused, of course, not by robber barons but by a generous welfare state. It seems the Times, like the Post, just can’t stand the thought of ordinary people not ending their lives in utter poverty. So when I read it, […]

One teeny step

Harry Reid scored a minor victory yesterday. Republicans caved and allowed a vote on some executive branch nominations, getting nothing in return, but the Senate remains incapacitated and Obama’s judicial nominations remain frozen. What else is new, right? Well, what’s new, apparently, is that this entire unprecedented situation is the fault of both parties, as […]

The Free Press, Post 9/11 edition

A few weeks ago I commented on the fact that the mainstream press has a very limited attention span, and that the recent re-revelations about the extent to which Washington is spying on us all had effectively driven a number of faux scandals off the front page and out of the mass media mind. Now, […]

Attention Deficit Disorder at Work

Speaking of Iran-Contra, to which I alluded in my previous post, it looks like Obama is now the beneficiary of a phenomenon that I, at least, first noticed at the time of that affair. The geezers among us remember that at first, the scandal consisted of the fact that Reagan secretly sold weapons to Iran. […]

Modern Times

I confess I haven’t followed the Bradley Manning story as perhaps I should. But I was struck by his account of his attempts to get the dirt he had on the government into the mainstream: At my aunt’s house I debated what I should do with the SigActs [war logs]– in particular whether I should […]