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Category Archives: Media

Both sides don’t do it

The Christian Science Monitor reports that the fact that right wingers are apparently really truly surprised at Romney’s defeat, despite the fact that it was being predicted by almost every number cruncher, is evidence of a growing partisan divide. I won’t argue with the basic premise, but the piece undercuts itself by repeating yet again […]

What’s the Difference between David Brook and a stopped clock?

The stopped clock is right twice a day, meaning over the course of a year it outscores Brooks 730 to zero. Really, is there something in the job description of conservative columnists that says it’s okay if they just make stuff up?

Joshua Green succumbs to beltway dogma

I have usually enjoyed reading articles by New London’s own Joshua Green, but his column in this morning’s Globe made me wonder if he’s drunk that old inside the beltway Kool-Aid. I’m not taking issue with his main thesis that neither presidential campaign is being terribly specific about their prescriptions to cure the nation’s ills. Rather, […]

Mitt: Profile in Courage

CNN gets it right: “In 1968, France was a dangerous place to be for a 21-year-old American,” Borger says, “but Mitt Romney was right in the middle of it.” (via Mediaite) Not too many now remember the deep seated fear that we all had of going to France in ’68. I remember. The mass protests, […]

Chris Powell knows it when he sees it

Chris Powell, of the Manchester Journal Inquirer, has been threatened with a libel suit by the World Wide Wrestling company. The offending prose is as follows: If, having spent several times more money than had ever been spent on a campaign in Connecticut, a candidate isn’t known well enough, whose fault would that be? But […]

None so blind

Paul Krugman observes in his blog that we are being subjected to a new, and far more pernicious, kind of political correctness. Remember the furor over liberal political correctness? Yes, some of it was over the top — but it was mainly silly, not something that actually warped our national discussion. Today, however, the big […]

The Emperor may be naked, but you can’t convince the press

As I recall the tale, none of the grownups watching the parade would admit the obvious until a little boy in the crowd made his views known. But, at least at that point, the folks in the crowd cast off their delusions, and joined in the cry that the Emperor was naked. Perhaps human nature […]

Brooks again

Dean Baker concentrates his fire on David Brooks again, despite my suggestion that he avoid high blood pressure by not reading him. Baker takes issue with this gem from Brooks’s latest column: “Western democratic systems were based on a balance between self-doubt and self-confidence. They worked because there were structures that protected the voters from […]

The Day does good

I’m a frequent critic of the New London Day, so it’s only fair that I give credit when they do something right, and they’ve done just that recently. In my other life I spend a lot of time in housing court, and the subject of their recent exposé is not unknown to me. Zane Megos […]

Pity poor Dean

I’m a big fan of Dean Baker. Every morning I check in to get his latest take on the sins of the press. It is his self appointed task to correct the economic illiteracy of the press and the punditocracy. It’s a horrible job, but someone has to do it. Still, it seems to me […]