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Category Archives: Media

Both sides do it, whether they do or not

Thomas E. Mann of the Brookings Institution and Norman J. Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute, entrenched members of the punditocracy, and therefore very serious people, have just written an opinion piece in which they announce to a startled world that it is the Republicans who are responsible for the present state of our dysfunctional […]

Another fauxpology

Monica Crowley “apologizes” for her offensive and illogical tweet (“To a Man?”) regarding Sandra Fluke’s engagement: Regret my tweeted question caused a stir. I certainly & unequivocally apologize to Sandra & anyone else I offended. Not my intention. This comes slightly closer to being an apology than the Zimmerman fauxpology, but when properly translated, it […]

Pay that word overtime

One of my favorite passages from Alice in Wonderland: When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said […]

Media lies on social security

One of the reasons I started this blog was to combat, in my own small way, the Bush attack on social security. I educated myself on the issue quite a bit. Back then, it looked like Bush was going to succeed in privatizing the system, with help from folks like Lieberman and little resistance from […]

English Lesson

We are told by the press that George Zimmerman apologized to Trayvon Martin’s parents yesterday. It is a curious thing: people, meaning the press, who live by words, so often seem to have no idea what they mean. The word was used in today’s Day, Times and Globe, and was all over the internet yesterday. […]

New Normal

Headline at Politico: Senate kills ‘Buffett Rule’ The Senate never voted on the rule. It was filibustered by the Republicans. That is what should be reported.

The moving middle moves again

The following tells you all you need to know about today’s media. It consists of the first two paragraphs from a column absurdly titled Common Sense, by James Stewart in the business section of the New York Times.   This week, President Obama called him a social Darwinist. The conservative Club for Growth criticized him […]

More false equivalency from the New York Times

Yet another exercise in the arts of false equivalencies in this morning’s Times, which bemoans the fate of Olympia Snowe, who didn’t want to face the wrath of the right in this year’s election. But, in true modern media fashion, it was absolutely necessary for the Times to make it clear that the center is […]

Both Sides get their say, but one shouts

This morning I ranted at my long suffering wife after reading this paragraph from this morning’s Times: Now, the comment deadline ushers in a critical phase. Equipped with arguments from every side, regulators will turn their focus to completing details of the rule. The article is about the comment period that recently closed regarding the Volker […]

Fox Coming Around to Romney?

I came upon this post at Politics USA via Angry Black Lady Chronicles. It’s about a Fox News contributor defending Romney’s “I don’t care about the poor remark” by basically arguing that the poor never had it so good because some of them get gout. This is standard Fox stuff, but what I find interesting […]