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Category Archives: Media


 If you were to judge by the people who leave comments on the New London Day’s website, you would conclude that Southeastern Connecticut is full of right wing bigots. Actual voting results, however, would not confirm that conclusion. If you were to judge by the results of scientific polling, you would conclude that Obama’s SOTU […]

The “Lie of the Year” is perfectly true

This could only happen in America: an organization supposedly dedicated to rooting out deception takes the position that semantics trumps reality. According to Politifact, so long as the Republicans call something Medicare the claim that they intend to end what we now know as Medicare is not only untrue, it is, among all the remarkable […]

Who is this “Rick Perry” of whom you write?

What’s with the New York Times? Don’t they know that Rick Perry is so yesterday? The Times is running a front page piece on the way Perry’s military background (he managed to stay stateside like Bush, but did it in the Air Force) might shape the presidency that everyone now agrees will never happen.   […]

Krugman summarizes it

A friend directed me to the video of Sunday’s This Week with Christine Amanpour, which featured poor Paul Krugman sitting around a table with three Republican doofuses. This, by the way, is the typical Sunday show alignment. Conservatives must always be overrepresented. Krugman neatly summarizes the Republican dilemma: KRUGMAN: I have a structural hypothesis there. […]

Documenting the atrocities, an exercise in futility

There’s a blog out there, whose name escapes me, which had a regular feature asking that readers document the atrocities committed weekly on the Sunday talk Shows. I’ve noted before that Steve Benen spends a lot of time doing exactly that on his blog at the Washington Monthly. He does it very well, as here, […]

NPR channels Joe McCarthy

This is why I don’t get all excited when I get fundraising emails telling me that the Republicans are threatening to destroy NPR. They already have.

Fox reporter gets slammed

Okay. I’m jealous. Wouldn’t you love to do this good a job if you were interviewed by Fox? The kids in New York and in other cities seem to be doing it: forcing these issues into the conversation. Now, if only the politicians who call themselves Democrats would tap into this discontent and actually advocate […]

Want the media’s attention? Stop Making Sense

Here’s an enlightening video: And here, to prove the point, is a picture that appears twice in this morning’s New London Day, once as a teaser and once as a half page picture accompanying an article about the protests.

The responsible mainstream media

Before I start this rant, let me say that I appreciate the fact that the New London Day is one of the best, if not the best, newspapers in the state, even now that Ted Mann is gone. But that, unfortunately proves only how low the profession has sunk. In this morning’s paper, a “poll” […]

Between reason and fantasy, to the media the truth is in the middle

I glanced at the front page of the New London Day’s Perspective section and there was an article titled “Biologist who Challenges both Evolution and Religion”. (I have despaired of finding a link on the Day’s website, but you can read it here, where it originally appeared in the Times). Where, I thought, had they […]