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Category Archives: Media

Time to check out the diners

There’s been a lot of breathless bloviating by our media about how unprecedented and foreboding it is to have an ex-president indicated indicted, though I don’t recall such bloviation when an obvious career criminal was elected in the first place. We have been and will be treated to a lot of reaction from the genius’s […]

Lies and lying liars

Over at Hullabaloo we read that Fox’s right wing competitors have utterly failed to cover the Dominion lawsuit and the unsurprising revelations that Fox’s on air personalities were knowingly lying to their viewers about the 2020 election, among a host of other things. Digby concludes: This just shows how homogenous the right wing media sphere […]

Both Siderism to the 10th power

Any regular readers of this blog, should they exist, know that I’m a big fan of Driftglass, who has spent years document bothsiderism and the attendant atrocities. It’s a shame that he isn’t aware of today’s New London Day, which has once again bent over backward to so far to be “fair and balanced” it […]

Nothing new under the sun

My professorial son got me Stacy Schiff’s The Revolutionary Sam Adams for Christmas. It’s actually the third Adams biography I’ve read, but being the geezer that I am, I can’t recall whether the previous biographies emphasized the part of Adam’s history about which I’m writing now. Adams was a prolific writer/propagandist. He started what might […]

Stop me if I’ve bloviated on this before

My wife and I have a little daily ritual. I read her the on-this-date entries from my diary. While Trump was in office I would normally note his crime of the day, but I usually skip the Trump stuff so far as what I read to my wife. But I read them to myself, and […]

Apparently it doesn’t take much to make a (Republican) hero

All three of the newspapers to which we subscribe ran articles today hyping Liz Cheney, and bemoaning what her primary loss means to the Republican Party. This from the New London Day/ AP: Liz Cheney’s resounding primary defeat marks the end of an era for the Republican Party as well as her own family legacy, […]

There are 49 other Manchins we never hear about

This link should bring you to a number of Letters to the Editor at the New York Times, the first of which makes a point I’ve ranted at my wife about. The press is once again making Biden’s inability to deal with the climate crisis all about the loathsome Joe Manchin. As the letter writer […]

A bit of a surprise yesterday, and…

And some more or less random observations. First, to the surprise. I’ve been watching the January 6th hearings on my IPad, and I think they’ve been quite useful, but until yesterday nothing I heard surprised me. Most of it was already known, and what wasn’t already known fit so neatly into the Trumpian pattern that […]

It’s okay to support a dictator if you’re a Republican

I have nothing original to say about the Ukraine situation, except to add my voice to those of others who have pointed out that Putin, besides being a very powerful man, is a very mentally ill man. Maybe that’s a prerequisite to obtaining power these days. See e.g, the very stable genius. Anyway, one thing […]

At the risk of repeating myself…

I get about 100 fundraising emails a day. Today I noticed the subject line on one, which read: “The media is not on our side”. It was from a group called No Dem Left Behind and the text went on to acknowledge that the subject line was no news to anyone. The argument put forward […]