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Category Archives: Media

A new low for the New London Day

A few days ago the Day ran a headline stating that Glenn Beck drew hundreds of thousands of people to his rally for suckers, a claim belied by the article itself and the only scientific attempt (Approximately 87,000 attendees) to determine the numbers. I said nothing. But I can no longer hold my tongue. Today, […]

The Times Gives Mehlman a Pass

Ken Mehlman, former head of the RNC, and architect, along with Karl Rove and a host of others, of various gay baiting and gay hating Republican initiatives, has come out as gay. This was an open secret at the time he was stirring up hate, but that’s another matter. Here’s what the New York Times […]

Why is this on a comedy show

GIven Fox’s central role in stirring up this phony mosque issue, why does it take a comedy show to expose this: Perhaps for the same reason that the media, including Fox, can’t quite figure out why so many people think Obama is a Muslim. It certainly couldn’t be because their compatriots are telling people that […]

Fuzzy math

This morning the Day devoted much of page 2 (with a teaser on page 1) to an anti-mosque (here we must be reminded that they’re not really even building a mosque) demonstration in New York City, which according to the Day (I couldn’t find the article on-line) drew “hundreds” of people. I have often noted […]

What I tell you three (or three million) times is true

This morning’s New London Day has a puff piece about the three Republicans vying to get crushed by Joe Courtney in November. This sentence caught the eye of my vigilant spouse, and impressed me as well: Along with fellow Republicans, they want to reverse Democratic policies like the health care reform bill, enacted by Obama […]

The Globe swallows Republican lies whole

From Today’s Globe: Senate Democrats yesterday revived an extension of unemployment benefits for 2.5 million Americans, managing to break through a GOP deadlock rooted in deep disagreements over the economy. There is not a shred of reliable evidence that the deadlock was “rooted in deep disagreements over the economy”. The deadlock resulted from a purely […]

Preserving access

On one thing, both the left and the right can agree. The press in this country is dysfunctional. One can argue about the overarching narrative that dysfunctionality protects, but not really very convincingly. To the extent reporters are stenographers, they reinforce corporate and governmental messages. Huffington Post reports that Lara Logan has criticized Rolling Stone […]

Saving journalism

I was asked to plug this upcoming forum, which I’m more than happy to do. The press release follows Public Forum: “Democracy vs. the Propaganda State:Why We Must Support Independent Media and Builda Real Alternative to Corporate Power” John Nichols, The Nation magazine Washington correspondent and co-author of the new book, “The Death and Life […]


Seems that Carly Fiorina dissed Barbara Boxer’s hairstyle, which trivial incident is worthy of a front page article in the New York Times, which appears dedicated to the proposition that the incident is both totally trivial and monumentally important. Personally, trivial or not, I hope it hurts Fiorina, but I’m a partisan hack. What I […]

Beltway wisdom

Colin McEnroe sums up the disconnect between the Beltway crowd and the people of Connecticut on the Blumenthal issue. This is chronic with the insiders, the best example being their absolute astonishment that the majority of people in this country were sophisticated enough to realize that they had a pretty good president in Bill Clinton […]