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Category Archives: Media

Context? We don’t need no stinkin’ context!

This piece from the New York Daily News admirably illustrates the sloppiness of the press these days There was a special election in Hawaii yesterday, and the Republican won-with 39.4% of the vote; the balance split between two Democrats, neither one of whom had the grace to withdraw and give the other a clear field. […]

Generally speaking

Everyone has had fun watching Jon Stewart mocking Bernard Goldberg. Seems Bernie and company at Fox took umbrage at the way “liberals” generalized about tea party folks. Stewart agreed that it’s wrong to generalize, showed numerous clips of Goldberg and fox friends generalizing about liberals (which should include, I guess, the generalization that liberals engage […]

Can you hear the people clamor? The media can.

Paul Choiniere of the Day has written a reasonably good op-ed piece about the tax situation in this state. He points out what everyone who pays attention already knows: that the tax burden in this state is regressive, and that despite the squawks of the business community the business tax burden is not especially high. […]

More whining about tea parties

Yesterday I got cranky about the outsize attention lavished on tea parties. I should have waited a day, so that I could include the New London Day, which has spent much time and energy trying to placate the local right. It has done the Day no good, since it is still constantly attacked as a […]

Fuzzy math

An interesting problem in mathematics: How many left wing demonstrators does it take to equal one tea party demonstrator? Today’s Boston Globe makes Sarah Palin’s tea party appearance, before at most 6,000 people front page news. Okay, the home town paper. So how explain the front page article in today’s Times, earnestly trying to explain […]

Some memes never die

They just evolve. Remember Lucky Duckies? Lucky duckies is a term that was used in Wall Street Journal editorials starting on 20 November 2002 to refer to Americans who pay no federal income tax because they are at an income level that is below the tax line (after deductions and credits). They’re back, in a […]

Ted Mann does it again

Best reporter in the state.

The Times incorrectly corrects itself

A few days ago I noted that the Times had once again stated as fact that James O’Keefe had posed as a pimp when he visited Acorn offices during his infamous “sting”. I pointed out that that “fact”, along with many of the other “facts” stated about this event have long since been disproven. Today, […]

More Journalistic Malpractice

The New York Times, a helpful instrument in the right’s war on Acorn, which, along with the spinelessness of Congressional Democrats has now driven the group to bankruptcy, does not even have the grace to change its reporting in the face of the overwhelming evidence: This week, the Maryland chapter announced that it would not […]

Another example of journalistic malpractice-local variety

Unfortunately, as I mentioned before, I was unable to candidate’s forum yesterday at the LaGrua Center in Stonington. Just about every candidate for statewide office was there, as was Blumenthal and Joe Courtney. I wasn’t there, but a reporter for the Day was, one Patricia Daddona, whose article was part snark, and part flaccid stenography. […]