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Category Archives: Media

High Journalistic Standards

I’m a big fan of Talking Points Memo, so I was quite surprised to read about this in an email thread. You may have heard that the Connecticut Democrats have gone after Linda McMahon, who constantly refers to her Wrestling company as a promoter of PG entertainment. And it is PG, if you consider necrophilia […]

Same as it ever was

Frank Rich is a former theater critic and not a former “serious” journalist, so it’s not surprising that he is almost alone (add Paul Krugman) among the mainstream media writers who can’t quite understand why the Beltway elite insists on giving folks like John McCain almost unlimited exposure. The bloggers have beaten this drum forever, […]

The Day back to shilling for Simmons

It looks like the New London Day is back into full Rob Simmons support mode, after a brief hiatus in 2006. This time it’s Paul Choiniere, who starts today’s screed with the following line: Rob Simmons is the new Barack Obama. Reading on, we find that there are two points of similarity. Both men are […]

Fuzzy math, indeed

Over at, Nate Silver has kicked up a bit of controversy over polling done by Strategic Visions. He makes a compelling case here that there is something very suspect about their results. He makes an even more compelling case here that at least one of their polls has results that are patently absurd. In […]

The Times They are Changin’

One salutary by-product of all the hate and vitriol spilling out of the right is that Maureen Dowd appears to have woken up to the fact that there are more important things than Maureen Dowd. She actually wrote a reasonably good column today, in which she deals seriously with a serious subject-the racial animus behind […]

Why I don’t watch television news

There are two possible reasons why someone from an alleged financial network, and therefore someone supposed to know her stuff, could say something this stupid (it’s short): 1. She is, in fact, very stupid. 2. She is shamelessly serving the interests of her corporate masters. I mean, even my social security clients, many of whom […]

Heads Simmons Wins, Tails Dodd Loses

Numerous bloggers on the left have remarked about the fact that the media’s propensity to find that any development, no matter how superficially negative for the Republicans, is actually good news for them. It’s mainly a national media phenomenon, but it does tend to infect local media as well. Consider this from this morning’s Day, […]

How much would you pay?

Editor and Publisher reports that the New York Times is doing a survey to determine how much its readers would pay for access to its website. As one who is still paying for three print newspapers and several magazines, I think I can make a credible claim that I am not reluctant to pay for […]


In Yesterday’s New London Day the first three pages were full of stories about a man who abducted his ex-wife. The next couple were about Michael Jackson’s funeral. You had to get to page 5 or 6 before you hit any real news. In today’s paper the front page is again all about the same […]

Mark Who?

What has a shorter attention span than the American Media? Give up? Nothing, and nobody. A few minutes ago my wife and I finished last night’s Daily Show/Colbert. We were about to turn our attention to Keith Olbermann, which was being saved to my hard drive as we watched Jon and Stephen. (That way we […]