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Category Archives: Media

Sunday Morning Trivia

I try to write something on this blog at least once a day, and I freely admit that some days it’s mostly filler. For instance, yesterday I heaped scorn on Charles Krauthammer. I admit it: no fruit can hang lower. Well, almost no fruit. We come now, again, to Maureen Dowd. She only writes two […]

Reflections on MoDo

Last year we learned that Maureen Dowd lets her assistants write her columns. Yesterday we learned that she lets her friends write them. Either that, or she is a plagiarist, take your pick. Alisson Kilkenny of the Huffington Post suggests that all this is a kind of subconscious plea for help on Dowd’s part; a […]

Verbal Gymnastics

We lawyers are often called upon to formulate rather elaborate ways of avoiding saying something that we would rather not say. It’s a bit of an art, really. The trick is to avoid conceding a point while sticking to the literal truth. Sadly, when you need to do such a thing, you’re probably fated to […]

The Day Shills for the Right

The right wing population in this area is small, but it has disproportionate influence with one of our institutions: the New London Day. Over the years the Day has been inundated with letters accusing it of right wing bias (while it was endorsing Republicans such as Simmons and George Bush). In response, the Day has […]

High Moral Dudgeon in the Sports World

Sports writers as a group seem to have a marked capacity for moral outrage. Witness, just as an example, Mike DiMauro’s column in today’s Day, in which he expresses a high degree of outrage about a recruiting violation at UConn, the precise details of which I don’t care to know. This is not unusual for […]

A Short Lesson in Constitutional law

Just before Obama’s press conference (which I thought went well) I happened to catch a snippet of Chris Matthews opining with certainty that the bill recently passed by the House, which seeks to tax those bonuses, was obviously a bill of attainder and quite obviously unconstitutional. This, along with a related meme that the bill […]

Acute Analysis

Any thinking person who watched the recent Jon Stewart-Jim Cramer confrontation could come away with no other conclusion but that it was a complete disaster for Cramer. Not only did Stewart make him look like an idiot, he produced clear evidence that he was also, during his trading days, a criminal. That’s not how Allessandra […]

Jon Stewart hits the mark

Just got back from Drinking Liberally and definitely not up to writing anything. Instead, I invite you to watch this clip from the Daily Show. It’s must viewing.

David Sirota wants a new job

Apparently David Sirota is a possibility for the 10:00 just after Rachel Maddow slot on MSNBC. Currently that slot is occupied by a repeat of the 8:00 Countdown show. He sent out a mass email about it, and I reproduce the bulk of it below. It certainly can’t hurt to have another progressive voice on […]

Very Sad

My wife and I baled on the Courant about six months ago, but I still have a soft spot in my heart for the nation’s oldest newspaper. It’s unfortunate, but that title will probably soon be passed on to some other paper. Today, the Courant announced another 150 layoffs, including 30 in the newsroom. It’s […]