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Category Archives: Media

Kudos to the Day

Of the three major newspapers in the country (Washington Post, NY Times, and LA Times) only the Los Angeles paper gave front page coverage to the fact that Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki supports Obama’s pullout plan. (The US government apparently pressured the Iraqis to step away from full throated support, but the disclaimer is not […]

How far a fall

The day that I started work at my law firm we inherited a case involving the New Haven Register. Since I had just started, and had nothing else to do, I carried a briefcase for the senior partner working on the case, on which we made a lot of money. At that time, the Register […]

The New York Times is a “Far Left” Paper. Who would have thought it

Recently the New York Times reported on the dismay some of us have felt at Obama’s change of position on FISA. The article is titled Obama Supporters on the Far Left Cry Foul. The question immediately arises: why is opposition to gutting the Fourth Amendment a “Far Left” position. And if it is, shouldn’t the […]

Not funny

My letter to the New Yorker: I was shocked to see a reproduction of the cover to your July 21st issue on Americablog. There is absolutely no excuse for publishing this canard. It is outrageous to suggest that Barack Obama and his wife are terrorists. I must assume, in charity, that your intent is to […]

Fuzzy math, squared

John McCain has released his economic plan. Among other things, he promises to balance the budget by winning the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and using the savings to pay down the deficit. No doubt the media will have tremendous difficulty seeing this fantasy for what it is. According to the McCain campaign: “The McCain […]

Full Disclosure at the Day

I missed this when it first came across my desk in an email from a frequent correspondent. I’ve changed the date references and tidied up the links. The Day has an OpEd on the 29th, McCain Is The Clear Choice For Change. It identifies the author as” Benjamin Davol, a political independent, is a freelance […]

Reporting the needle, ignoring the haystack

First, let me start by saying that I have a great deal of respect for Ted Mann of the Day, who normally does very good work. So it is with some reluctance that I (if only figuratively) take up my pen to express my dismay at the article Ted wrote on the Unity rally (Unity? […]

Shoe drops at the Courant

A short while ago I briefly alluded to changes we could anticipate at the Courant thanks to Sam Zell’s keen appreciation for journalism. Today Editor and Publisher gives us the grisly details: In a memo to staff, first posted on the Romenesko site, Editor Cliff Teutsch has revealed plans to cut news pages from […]

A new definition of “mostly”

According to my Dictionary, “mostly” means “for the greatest part; mainly”. I looked it up to make sure that I hadn’t misconceived its meaning after reading this comparison of Bush and McCain in this morning’s Times. What with Bush’s second coming trying to distance himself from his soul mate, the Times provided a handy guide […]

National Press Club to give forum to anti-Obama liar

I’ve been away most of the day. Just got back and saw this article in my newsreader: A Minnesota man named Larry Sinclair has been going around the country spreading unfounded rumors about Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL). Among other claims, he alleges that he and Obama used cocaine together and participated in homosexual acts in […]