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Category Archives: Media

New York Times: McCain is a New Style Candidate

Can’t stop myself from commenting on this morning’s Times which tells us that 2 New-Style Candidates Hit Old Notes on Economy. The headline is repeated twice in the printed edition. Like him or not, no one can deny that Obama is a new style candidate, at least in terms of the way he has organized […]

Barack takes a shot at corporate media

More evidence that Obama gets it, and has not yet been ruined by Washington: Democrat Barack Obama said on Sunday he would pursue a vigorous antitrust policy if he becomes U.S. president and singled out the media industry as one area where government regulators would need to be watchful as consolidation increases. “I will assure […]

One more cheer for Chris Matthews

For reasons difficult to fathom we on the left have a monopoly on political humour-the funny kind that is. The Fox Network’s short lived attempt to compete with the Daily Show proved that, if ever it really needed proving. But we also have an earnest, too serious, streak that can sometimes blind us to political […]

History Lesson

Sometimes Chris Matthews gets it right. (Caution: very slow loading video at the link, but worth watching) Update: Here’s a youtube, a bit longer, but it should load faster: [youtube][/youtube]

Take your daily dose


Architectural treasure in Groton

In its endless front page pursuit of the trivial, the Hartford Courant today ran a front page article on the outhouses of Chester, a posh community in Middlesex County. Since this is considered critically newsworthy by so august an institution as the nation’s oldest newspaper can anyone criticize me for taking up the subject. It […]

Talking about comments at the Day

I spent this afternoon at the New London Day. Greg Stone invited me to participate in a roundtable discussion. The subject was comments on articles on newspaper websites. Apparently, they can get wild and wooly sometimes, and issues arise about the extent to which the papers should reject offensive comments. For legal reasons they can […]

On to Iran, helped once again by the New York Times

This is something I feel the need to pass on. The New York Times was instrumental in the run up to the Iraq war. It served as a both a conduit and a legitimizer of the war. The administration would feed information to Judith Miller and Michael Gordon, who would dutifully print it, and then […]

Deliver us from (NY Times sanctioned) Experts

Today the New York Times celebrates the anniversary of Mission Accomplished by asking nine “experts” how we should proceed in Iraq. Among those experts: Frederick Kagan, L. Paul Bremer, Kenneth M. Pollack and Richard Perle, each of whom has been consistently and disastrously wrong about Iraq from the very start. They are joined by Anne […]

In case you missed it

Yesterday the Longshoreman’s Union closed the ports of the West Coast to protest the Iraq war. If you’re a Times reader you’d know all about this, if you made your way to page A12. West Coast ports were shut down on Thursday as thousands of longshoremen failed to report for work, part of what their […]