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Category Archives: Media

Distraction working, so far

Over at the Palmer Report (still taking it in the main with a grain of salt), Bill Palmer makes a point that I think has validity: Trump is using his twitter account to distract from the mounting evidence that his campaign did, in fact, collude with Russia. It is unclear, to me, at least, whether […]

Normalization continues

There is something very ominous going on not quite under the radar. There’s no question that many people have objected to the normalization of Donald Trump’s behavior, but the fact is that it proceeds apace, enabled by the very people that should be resisting it. As the entire world knows, Trump sunk to a new […]

The Times speaks with two tongues

The New York Times speaks with two tongues. Today it’s running an article about an EPA scientist who was pressured to downplay the fact that the EPA removed actual scientists from its review panel so it could replace them with lobbyists. The Times reporter observes: Dr. Swackhamer’s testimony came two weeks after the dismissals, which […]

That’s the way you do it

I’ve got my doubts about France’s new president, Macron, but I must say I like this: Standing next to Putin, Macron told Xenia Fedorova, the head of the Kremlin-financed channel RT France, that her reporters had been denied access to his campaign headquarters before the vote because they had been acting not as journalists but […]

Subtle passes for Trump

Donald Trump has often claimed that our NATO allies are not paying what the owe. Normally, the way he phrases what he says, he leaves the impression that they owe the money to the United States. I’ve often wondered what he is talking about, and have searched in vain for explanations in the newspaper articles […]

Distraction free

First, a bit of a trip in the Wayback machine. As Reagan was sinking deeper into senility in the waning years of his presidency, it was revealed that he had surreptitiously sold weapons to Iran, our ostensible adversary. My guess is that had this been properly investigated, it would have been seen as payback (or […]


I’m not sure who I detest more: the outright propagandists at Fox News, or the faux intellectual conservatives who put lipstick on the pig of Republican racism and corporate greed. No, I am sure. Those folks on Fox and Friends are just doing what they’re paid to do. They make no pretense of having anything […]

Compare and contrast

As I’ve said more than once, we subscribe to three daily newspapers. It’s often instructive to compare and contrast how an event is covered. Today the main story was Trump’s tax “plan”, if you can call it that. Let’s see how the three papers covered it. I’m referring here to the print editions. I haven’t […]

Trump enablers

Some people think the role of the press is to inform. Others appear to think its role is to propagandize. We do live in an era of fake news, typified by internet sites such as InfoWars, but there is a far more nuanced form of fake news that is even more dangerous. Case in point, […]

A media fixation

I’ve mentioned before that we get three newspapers: the Boston Globe, the New York Times, and the New London Day. So I’m in somewhat of a position to perceive patterns, an example of which appears on the front page of the Globe this morning. Beneath an article about yet another Trump disaster is an article […]