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Category Archives: Local issues

A word of caution re: Heather Somers

One of the good things that has happened (remember, always look on the bright side of life) since Trump lost the popular vote is the rise of the resistance movement, in its various and sundry groupings. We have several in this area. One downside of the movement is that it has attracted a lot of […]

South Carolina on the Sound

The tweet from Chris Hayes linked to a story titled “Interracial couple fined for not removing racial slur spray painted on their garage.” I figured, for sure, it happened somewhere in the Confereracy, but: STAMFORD, Conn. (AP) — An interracial Connecticut couple whose home was vandalized by a racial slur has been fined for failing […]

History repeats itself

A bit of a heads up for folks who aren’t from this neck of the woods. Heather Somers, who ran for Lieutenant Governor in 2014 is gunning for statewide office again. You remember Heather. She was such a strong vote getter that she managed to swing exactly no districts in the Groton area to the […]

An Open Letter to Aundre Bumgardner

(For those who don’t reside here in Groton, Aundre Bumgardner is the state representative from my district, which also includes a slice of New London. ) Dear Aundre: Well, it looks like you’ve passed the Trump test. Instead of voting for your party’s standard bearer, you are going to vote for Gary Johnson, the guy […]

In some cases, past performance is a guarantee of future performance

Here in my home state Senate district, we have a race between an intelligent progressive candidate and the 2014 Republican candidate for lieutenant governor; a candidate so disastrous that the Republicans did their best to put a lid on her during the entire losing campaign. She was a do-nothing town councilor here in Groton for […]

A bit of sympathy for Dave Collins?

I’ve written a number of posts about the New London Day’s columnist, Dave Collins. Dave, despite the cynical tone of so many of his columns, is, it turns out, a fairly naive guy. He decided that any Republican who refused to renounce Donald Trump was beyond the pale. I think he actually thought that the […]


At the risk of beating a dead horse or two, I am going to return to a subject to which I’ve alluded in my two previous posts: the way our local Republican candidates have danced around the question of whether they support Donald Trump. Something I haven’t highlighted is one rather incredible argument they are […]

Second Epistle to Dave Collins

In light of recent events, yet another letter to Dave Collins is in order. Dear Dave: Good job. Well, reasonably good job, though you really have to do what we Catholic school kids were told to do before confession. Yes, an examination of conscience is in order. You really have to try to figure out […]

An open letter to Dave Collins

Dear Dave, I hope you didn’t miss it! Heather Somers, Republican candidate for the State Senate, has taken and failed your Trump test. You remember. Here’s what you wrote: “I would suggest calling this the Trump test, one I intend to try on every state Republican candidate I encounter this election season. It’s pretty simple: […]

I’m flattered, but…

One thing you can say for our Republican State Rep, John Scott: He may or may not be voting for Donald Trump, but like the Donald, he can’t stop himself from replying to any tweet or Facebook post that targets him, even when most people with an ounce of sense would see an advantage in […]