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Category Archives: Hypocrisy

Hypocrisy that knows no bounds

Apparently the Hannity fed right wing is in the middle of another anti-Obama fever dream: Sean Hannity says that Robert Mueller’s investigation is “over.” Instead, everyone should be emptying cells at Gitmo to handle President Obama and his cohorts because Republicans are shocked, shocked to find that “Donald Trump was right all along.” They have […]

Gosh, whatever happened to States right?

Men and women of principle: The garbage fire in the White House may have his hands full stumping for a Republican child molester this week, but never doubt the rest of his party’s willingness to stump for the nation’s mass murderers. Republicans lined up a vote this week in the House on making it easier […]

Bigots lament: Google unfair to bigots

There are times when one searches for just the right analogy to put something in just the right perspective, but the search is in vain. So it is with me as I struggle for just the right set of words to describe the fellow who circulated a memo among his fellow Google employees explaining that […]

Just a thought

Jeff Flake, the other hypocritical Senator from Arizona, has “written” a book in which he strenuously criticizes Trump. Yet, as Crooks and Liars reports, he is very reluctant to say the same things on television that are in the book. The writer at Crooks and Liars speculates that Flake doesn’t want to be recorded saying […]

Free Speech for Me, but not for Thee

It seems that some of our friends on the right are demanding that CBS fire Stephen Colbert because, among other things, his latest monologue about 45 was “homophobic”. These people have no sense of irony. It has been only a few day since these same people were condemning the University of California for abridging Ann […]

Movin’ On

The amazing thing about the gall of Republicans is that no one notices it anymore. Check out what Congressman Chris Collins had to say about his interest in finding out how cozy the Trumpies are with the Russians, now that Flynn has resigned for being too cozy with the Russians: “Well, to be honest, I […]

How do you measure success?

This is interesting: “Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run special operations and ground missions against suspected terrorists in the wake of the recent raid there that claimed so many civilian lives,” NBC News’ Kristen Welker asked Spicer during his daily press briefing. “Do you stand by your assessment that it is […]

Physician, heal thyself

This was in the New London Day a couple of days ago: Hartford — The State Department will have $160 million at its disposal over the next two years to help news organizations overseas combat propaganda from countries such as Russia. “This fund would be used to try to build up independent journalism in states […]

Of, by, and for the plutocrats

I get emails at work solely because I’m a lawyer, and not because I have ever had anything to do with the sender or the area of the law to which they happen to cater. They usually go straight to trash, but today I followed a link in one of them, a site called […]

A curious thing

Democrats keep saying that voter fraud is extremely rare, but that statement is not quite true. There apparently is a lot of voter fraud, committed mainly by people who are convinced that voting fraud by “those people” is rampant. Latest case in point: Donald Trump’s new presidential campaign chief is registered to vote in a […]