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Category Archives: Humour

But someone’s got to do it

The Pinheads step in The probably go home to a dinner of arugula and Valvoline

What’s the poor farmer to do?

The New York Times reports that the price of seed is growing like corn in July: During the depths of the economic crisis last year, the prices for many goods held steady or even dropped. But on American farms, the picture was far different, as farmers watched the price they paid for seeds skyrocket. Corn […]

Another threat to marriage quashed

Rush fesses up

(Via Atrios) You really must read this column from the Onion.

Tragedy Strikes

Via the Onion:

Today’s Comics

Dedicated to my brother-in-law, he of the terrible puns.

A silver lining to every cloud

Thanks to my sister for sending me this.

Keyboard cat does Cheney

Stephen Colbert Goes Galt

I spent all day on trial, and my mind is frazzled, so I’ve given up thinking for the day. This is worth watching. It is a weird fact that the most nuanced punditry today is on the Comedy Channel. Sorry about the introductory commercial.

Constitutional Law

Grimm learns a lesson from our former president.