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Category Archives: Corruption

I want in

Looks like I picked the wrong line of blogging: A range of mainstream American publications printed paid propaganda for the government of Malaysia, much of it focused on the campaign against a pro-democracy figure there. The payments to conservative American opinion writers — whose work appeared in outlets from the Huffington Post and San Francisco […]

Shameless muckraking at the Times

According to the New York Times, the recent “fiscal cliff” deal was a good deal for drug maker Amgen: Just two weeks after pleading guilty in a major federal fraud case, Amgen, the world’s largest biotechnology firm, scored a largely unnoticed coup on Capitol Hill: Lawmakers inserted a paragraph into the “fiscal cliff” bill that […]

Legalized bribery

Isn’t America a great country? Who needs an income when you can own your own Leadership PAC. And we’re worrying about whether Chris Dodd got a sweetheart mortgage? It looks, by the way, that Chris has backed away from the bi-partisan Leadership PAC game.

Lobbyists dollars at work

I have to pass this along because I don’t think I’ve ever seen the sink of corruption that is Washington so blatantly acknowledged. Via Firedoglake, this is language that a Washington bribery lobbyist firm uses to promote its services: The C2 Group, recognizing the increasing reliance and need for campaign funds, has stepped into this […]

Department of You Can’t Make This Stuff Up-Blagojevich/Craig Edition

This is one of those times when I feel my own inadequacies as a writer with a peculiar intensity. How to do justice to the staggeringly audacious corruption of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich? Might I first observe that he makes John Rowland look like a piker-a rank amateur? How, one wonders, did this guy ever […]