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Category Archives: Corporate Crime

Crime pays

So long as you steal enough. Not only does it pay, but if you reach the top of the profession, you don’t even have to worry about going to jail and, if you contribute money to NYU, you get an award. But, I am beginning at the end, which means I’m forgetting the White King’s […]

Strange Bedfellows

That Senate has, at least for the moment, rejected fast track authority for the TPP. In my last post I observed that an unholy alliance between Republicans and Obama can only bode ill; the Republicans would have to have the chance to do a lot of evil before teaming up with Obama on anything, so […]

Student strikes, modern edition

We need more of this: Calling themselves the ‘‘Corinthian 100’’ — named for the troubled Corinthian Colleges, Inc., which operated Everest College, Heald College, and WyoTech before agreeing last summer to sell or close its 100-plus campuses — about 100 current and former students are refusing to pay back their loans, according to the Debt […]

Quid meets quo

The bankers don’t like Elizabeth Warren and they’ve met with Democratic Party officials to tell them so: JPMorgan representatives have met Democratic Party officials to emphasize the connection between its annual contribution and the need for a friendlier attitude toward the banks, a source familiar with JPMorgan’s donations said. In past years, the bank has […]

Underestimating the criminal mind

Gretchen Morgenstern reports in this morning’s Times about a Public Citizen’s shareholder’s proposals to hold the top executives at Citigroup at least financially responsible for their criminal activities: .. [The proposal] would require that top executives at the company contribute a substantial portion of their compensation each year to a pool of money that would […]

Charter School Madness

The right, be it the religious or corporate variant, is ever so good at making their positions sound like the opposite of what they are. They don’t oppose abortion and birth control; they are “pro-life”; they don’t pass anti-union laws; they pass “right to work” laws. The media, often enabled by people on the left […]

Sinners casting stones

When I saw this article's (White House to File Case Against China at W.T.O. Over Subsidies for Exports) title in this morning's Times, I immediately smelled a rat. The stench grew stronger as I read. I could tell by the title that this “case” was a PR move intended to smooth the way for the […]

Never give the exploited an even break

I didn't watch the State of the Union address last night, but not for any Obama related reason. Ever since Reagan introduced the “people in the audience” crap which every President since has felt duty bound to emulate, I've been sort of sickened at the prospect of watching what has become more and more a […]

Adventures in Economics

I'm not sure there is any real point of contact between the topics covered by this post, other than the fact that both were provoked by articles in the New York Times. First up, is an article titled For Bond Investors, Ignoring Expert Advice Has Been Profitable. The initial paragraphs point out that the experts […]

A capitalist explains things

This is hard to summarize, so all I can do is urge you to read this article by Nick Hanauer, who is a very rich person who is also, apparently, an honest man. A very rare mix these days. I confess I was totally unaware of the overtime rules he writes about, or of the […]