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Category Archives: Foreign Affairs

Whither Europe?

On several occasions, including yesterday, Paul Krugman has warned about the disastrous economic consequences of the European religion of austerity, which against all sound economic theory, insists that the way to fight an economic downturn is through savage budget cuts. So far, it has only brought a deepening depression. The pain has not been spread […]

Crazy person has a point

Without a doubt, Lee Whitnum is a crazy lady. But as they say, even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and she’s right about AIPAC. It is the NRA of the foreign policy lobbies. There are very few members of Congress that do not rush to do its bidding. I can’t speak to […]

Didn’t see this coming

Our puppet government in Iraq is not responding to the strings, and is now siding with Iran and with Syria, against the people of Syria. This was something that the war opponents predicted way back when: not the specific situation but the probability of the two countries making common cause. Yet another reason why making […]

Seymour Hersh on Iran

Good article in this week’s New Yorker. Seems like the wise people are as sure that Iran is building a bomb as they were that Saddam had WMD-and with every bit as much evidence.

Escalation of committment

As he contemplates trudging off into the Big Muddy, Afghanistan style, Obama might profit from perusing this article in today’s Times: If a business school professor is running short on cash, there is a sure-fire solution: run a dollar auction game in class. To start, the professor offers to sell the class a $20 bill. […]

It’s all about us

Tom Tomorrow puts it succinctly, as always.

Human Nature

According to Thinkprogress, Joe Scarborough has taken John McCain and Lindsay Graham to task for criticizing Obama’s hands off approach to the Iranian situation: SCARBOROUGH: All we would do is undermine those people in the street, who the second that they are attached to the United States of America, the country after all that’s been […]

Ari Fleischer: Still Spinnin’ after all these years

Are Republicans deluded, liars or both? Today’s example is Ari Fleischer, who says that George Bush deserves credit for the reformist surge in Iran. On one level these kinds of claims are untestable, but what we know about human nature argues strongly against Ari’s position. Both Bush and Ahmadinejad were deeply unpopular in their own […]

Two sides to every story

The big news this morning was the fact that the crew of a U.S. flagged ship fought off a group of pirates off the coast of Somalia. It still seems jarring that there should be such a thing as pirates in this day and age. As with so many things, this is not what it […]