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Category Archives: Romney


Still worth signing, but where’s their priorities?

Okay, I signed the Daily Kos open letter to the people of Britain, which you can read and sign here. I mean, why not? Anything that might conceivably hurt Romney is worth doing. But I must take issue with this part of the letter: Additionally, we do not share the opinion which Romney expressed in […]

An alternate theory

New London’s own Joshua Green speculates that Romney may have paid no taxes in 2009, thus the argument that he need only disclose back to 2010: The “zero tax in 2009” theory—again, this is sheer speculation—gains further sustenance when you consider it’s the only year for which nobody knows anything about Romney’s taxes. He’s revealed […]

Mitt’s plans

I understand that focus groups have refused to believe that anyone running for president would actually take the positions that Romney has taken. That’s one of the reasons, of course, that Republicans (e.g., Linda McMahon) try so hard not to tell anyone what they will do if elected. Better to spout banal talking points. But […]

All Good Questions

TJ Walker, described as a subscriber to Forbes, has penned 35 questions that Mitt Romney should (and never will) answer about his years at Bain. As a sample, here’s five through seven (I especially like seven) 5. You earned at least $100,000 as an executive from Bain in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings […]

At least we know he can read

  You truly couldn’t make this country up. Anyone who's been paying attention knows that for reasons no one has ever bothered to explain, the right thinks that Obama’s use of a teleprompter proves how stupid he is. Yes, I know it’s really a shorthand way of saying he’s stupid because he’s black, but still.., […]

What a cheapskate!

My wife has somehow found herself on right wing Republican mailing lists. Today she got a mailing from the Mittster himself. Now, we've taken a sort of infantile pleasure in stuffing the stamped reply envelopes full of as much weight as possible and sending them back from whence they came, doing our infinitesimal bit to […]

A liar for the ages

  To say that Willard Romney is a liar is to say nothing new to anyone who has been paying attention, but alas, quite a few people aren’t paying attention. And while, in 2000, the press worked vigorously to spread the false meme that Al Gore was a fabricator, we can rest assured that having […]

Could it be?

Could it be that Mitt Romney will go the way of John Kerry, convinced either by himself or his handlers that he need not respond to attacks on his record? With Kerry, it was somewhat understandable. He, or his handlers, had a sort of naive faith that the American press would never allow a baseless […]

Yet more of the comic side of Mitt Romney

As he says, it’s funny because it’s true.

Romney: I won’t tell you what I’ll do, cause you wouldn’t like it

One way to avoid the need to shake your Etch-A-Sketch is to not sketch anything in the first place. Apparently, a sketch free campaign, at least on certain issues, is what Romney has in mind. As he explained to the Weekly Standard, in so many words, if he sketched out his plans, he’d lose. Poor […]