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Category Archives: Romney


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Feeling Down

I’m feeling a bit down lately. It was Mitt that made me feel this way, sort of empty and dissatisfied. It all started when I saw him deliver this heartfelt paean to the joy he feels when he returns to his native earth.     It’s so terribly unfair that the press and much of […]

Rethinking the Romney meme

It’s been conventional wisdom for quite a while that Romney, mass of warts and all, is nonetheless the strongest candidate the Republicans have for the general election. I bought into that, and while I’m not quite ready to declare outright apostasy, I think the argument is losing a lot of its force awful fast. Newt […]

Willard has a daddy problem, and it ain’t good for us

No original thoughts today. I will instead suggest you read Rick Perlstein’s article in the Rolling Stone about Mitt Romney, to which I was directed by digby at Hullabaloo. Perlstein explains Mitt’s robotocism and 99% inauthenticity to a rebellion against his father, who was anything but either of those things. According to Perlstein, Mitt saw […]