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Category Archives: The Donald

Yet some more modest proposals

Some Democrats are making pretty good noises about opposing the right wing horror show that is Gorsuch. I think it is Jeff Merkley who is pointing out that it is a stolen seat, and that’s a good line, but I’d suggest something along these lines. With one voice (ha ha, Democrats never speak with one […]

Truthiness rampant

More than a hundred years ago, an Indiana legislator introduced a bill, the purpose of which was to establish a formula for squaring the circle by legislative fiat. The bill came close to passing, but ultimately failed. But the idea that you can establish a fact by a consensus of the ignorant apparently lives on. […]

A con man should really know his audience

I’m beginning to be a little more sanguine about the survival of the Republic, partly because of the level of resistance shown by today’s demonstrations, and partly because of the level of cluelessness displayed by the person who lost the popular vote. In case you missed it, Trump blatantly lied to a group of CIA […]

Can’t make this stuff up

When clearly senile Rudy Giuliani was appointed to be Trump’s cybersecurity expert, I read somewhere that Rudy actually had no technical expertise and that all his “firm” did was provide legal advice about cyber security, advice that was probably 99% bullshit, although I don’t know that for sure. Anyway, today I ran into this: The […]

No need for pundits

Slowly but surely I’m working my way back to normalcy so far as my daily intake of news is concerned. I still don’t read the papers as much as I did before the day the Republic died, but I’m coming around, and I’m pretty much back to full bore reading on my RSS reader. But […]

Trump wins another award

It’s official. The American Historical Society announced today that it had taken a poll of its members, and there was surprising unanimity: Donald Trump is the worst president in American History. Well, actually, Donald Trump will be the worst president in American history, once he’s sworn in. “There was a bit of debate about whether […]

Narcissism works

It appears to be generally agreed that the most likely diagnosis on the DSM for Trump is narcissistic personality disorder. In the world of Social Security we would agree that he has several “marked” impairments. The fact is, however, that it’s worked for him, and it will probably continue to work. Latest example: Trump has […]

Grifting the USA

Blogging has been sparse lately, as I’m still getting over the shock. It’s not easy facing up to the fact that I will quite likely witness the end of a republican (small “r”, you’ll notice) government in the United States. Sooner or later everything put together falls apart, but I figured we had at least […]

More stuff you can’t make up

While the media is obsessed with nothingburgers like Hillary Clinton’s emails, it lets stories about Trump go by that would be fodder for multiple articles were the candidate not Trump. He is such a dishonest crook that mere fraud or manifest dishonesty is not considered worthy of mention. He literally had to admit to sexual […]

Grifter in chief

Trump certainly runs true to type, doesn’t he? The Republican presidential nominee has given a mere $33,000 to his campaign this month. That means he needs to pony up another $44 million to fulfill the boast that’s become a familiar refrain in interviews and rallies over the past several days. Actually, it’s worse than that. […]