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Monthly Archives: October 2007

The new AG, just like the old AG

Atrios points out that no nominee for Attorney General would admit that the Bush Administration has been completely lawless, but nonetheless, I find the kabuki show being played out by the Democrats at the nomination hearing both tiresome and frustrating. As always, they start out by conceding that he’s a shoo in. Now we learn […]

Chris Dodd puts a hold on FISA

All hail our own Chris Dodd, who is finding his stride these days. He might not get the nomination, but he’s showing some leadership and something even rarer: respect for the Constitution. If it’s a pose, it’s one we can only hope other politicians will adopt. I sent myself a link from work about this […]

Itunes U

There’s a cool new feature at the Itunes Store. Various colleges and universities have uploaded both audio and video content. My alma mater is among them, though truth to tell, its offerings are not that enticing. Stanford University, on the other hand, has full video and audio courses. I downloaded a video course on Theoretical […]

Our president: a deluded thug

We have had so much proof of Bush’s criminality that more of it, even in his own words, barely causes a stir. Truth to tell, it never has. As further proof of this phenomenon I urge you to read ‘The Moment Has Come to Get Rid of Saddam’, by Mark Danner at the New York […]

Empty gestures from the Congress

Periodically I get emailed “rants” from my old friend Steve Fournier who blogs at Current Invective. The newest email is not on the site, so assuming Steve has no objection to somewhat wider distribution of his rants, I’m going to reproduce it here: Turkey on House Menu Are they merely pandering to Armenian-Americans in a […]

Protecting the children: Swedish style

Guess what? It is possible to run a government on rational principles. Via Pharyngula, we learn that Sweden is protecting its children from a public menace that our government actually encourages: The Swedish government is to crack down on the role religion plays in independent faith schools. The new rules will include a ban on […]

Annals of our spineless Congress

Will our Democrats that lined up to quell the threat to the Republic that was MoveOn do anything about this: Three telecommunications companies have declined to tell Congress whether they gave U.S. intelligence agencies access to Americans’ phone and computer records without court orders, citing White House objections and national security. Director of National Intelligence […]

Great cartoon

Worth a thousand words:

The Decline of Baseball and mathematical reasoning

According to Selena Roberts of the New York Times, football is up and baseball’s in decline. As a confirmed baseball fan who has zero interest in football, I am somewhat sanguine about this prediction, since, at my advanced age, I can recall similar predictions that were made 30 years ago. That being said, she has […]

Mitt’s Mormon problem

Steven Benen at Talking Points Memo observes that the conventional wisdom among our betters in the Beltway is that Mitt Romney must address the “Mormon Question”. National Journal conducts a weekly “Insider’s Poll,” which, as the name implies, questions DC players about political stories of the day. As the WSJ noted, the poll is “generally […]