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Monthly Archives: June 2008


According to Joe Lieberman’s people Obama was engaging in “sleazy” tactics when he let it be known that he gave Joe a talking to about, among other things, Joe’s “half-hearted denials of the false rumors that Obama is a Muslim”. Apparently it is not, in the current political environment, sleazy to insinuate that a candidate […]

Sign the Declaration

Just got home from the Charter Revision Commission. We’re in the homestretch. Not much time to write, but I did want to pass this along. A friend from the West Coast sent me an email about an ad the Bill of Rights Defense Committee wants to run in the Times on the Fourth of July. […]

Friday Night Music-Bo Diddley

I have to confess that I have no recollection of Bo Diddley. He may have peaked on the charts before my time, which certainly proves he was a rock pioneer. But since he died this week, I thought I’d scout around and find some of his stuff. First, something I never knew, but found out […]

Drinking Liberally, a report

My wife and I were beginning to worry that attendance at our Drinking Liberally group would tail off this month, but I’m glad to report: not so. In fact, we had a number of new attendees, including an additional recruit from the Sub base, who came together with another sailor who had also come last […]

Sexism in the campaign

For a lot of us who supported Obama, Hillary’s refusal to quit was infuriating, since we wanted to get to the main event. A lot of her supporters were convinced that she was done in by sexism, and though that’s not the whole truth (I still say she would have won going away if she […]

Decline of the West-Roman Catholic Version

This is what comes of taking the nuns out of the schools: This just in from the myth-busting department: Roman Catholic teens feel no more guilty than other U.S. teenagers. If they cheated on an exam, lied to their parents or engaged in serious petting, it’s not bearing down on their conscience, according to a […]

Nick Carbone

It was with great sadness that I read in this morning’s Courant that Nick Carbone was badly injured in Hartford Monday. He was attacked on the streets of Hartford, the City for which he has done so much, and beaten so badly that he will need brain surgery. I grew up in Hartford. In the […]

Drink Liberally tomorrow

Yet another reminder. Please join us if you can tomorrow at the Bulkeley House at 111 Bank Street in New London, at 6:30 PM. This will be the first meeting since Obama became the candidate, so there will be lots to talk about. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow, so likely the question of whether we […]


Hillary Clinton, self declared superior leader, asked her supporters to tell her whether she should quit the race. They are supposed to go to her web site and tell her what she should do. That’s leadership, according to Hillary. A real leader, someone who cared about the party, and more importantly, someone who cared about […]

Getting a little dirty

Media Matters reports that CNN says that Obama was not above “getting a little dirty” during his election campaigns for state office. Apparently, utilizing the court system to challenge signatures on petitions, which signatures everyone appears to concede were in fact subject to legitimate challenge, is “getting a little dirty”. This appears to be yet […]