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Getting a little dirty

Media Matters reports that CNN says that Obama was not above “getting a little dirty” during his election campaigns for state office. Apparently, utilizing the court system to challenge signatures on petitions, which signatures everyone appears to concede were in fact subject to legitimate challenge, is “getting a little dirty”.

This appears to be yet another example of rules that apply only to Democrats. Republicans have gone way beyond challenging petitions. They simply rig elections by, for instance, not providing sufficient voting machines in Democratic precincts, or by simply stopping the process before all the votes have been counted.

It appears to be acceptable for Republicans to engage in unethical and illegal behavior designed to deprive people of their voting rights or to rig elections simply because everyone acknowledges that that is what Republicans do. Democrats, on the other hand, are expected to live up to their liberal principles by bending over backward to be fair to their opponents and allow them to cut corners (as was the case in the Illinois elections discussed at the link) or ignore “technicalities”, even if that means giving those opponents an edge.

Personally, I’m glad to hear that Obama was willing to play legal hard ball against his opponents. It increases the chances that he won’t sit back and let the Republicans steal this one, like they stole the last two.

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