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Daily Archives: June 25th, 2008

Shoe drops at the Courant

A short while ago I briefly alluded to changes we could anticipate at the Courant thanks to Sam Zell’s keen appreciation for journalism. Today Editor and Publisher gives us the grisly details: In a memo to staff, first posted on the Romenesko site, Editor Cliff Teutsch has revealed plans to cut news pages from […]

Joe Must Go

As per the previous post, Chris Dodd has done Connecticut proud. It’s almost enough to help us forget that other Connecticut Senator. But not quite. Take a moment to go here and sign the petition, not that it will do much good. [youtube][/youtube]

Dodd speaks out on FISA

Chris Dodd’s website has the text of his FISA speech in Congress today, but the audio won’t play, at least on Safari. I tried to embed it in a post, but it was silent. Parts of the speech are on youtube however, and here’s one: [youtube][/youtube] Harry Reid is clearing the way for this bill. […]