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Monthly Archives: September 2008

Dueling Philosophies

Two Storefronts, Portsmouth, New Hampshire:

All very confusing

Iraq is our ally, at least I believe it is. Israel is our ally. In fact, according to Sarah Palin, we should never ever second guess anything it chooses to do. So why has the Iraqi Parliament just revoked legislative immunity for a member of that Parliament who had the temerity to visit Israel, and […]

Possible Hiatus

My wife and I are going to Maine tomorrow, and will return Wednesday. I don’t know if we’ll have internet access, so it’s possible there will be no further posts until then.

Will McCain’s heart keep beating?

Yet another Robert Greenwald film. I make no apologies for posting all of these, because 1) he invites everyone to do so, and 2) it’s important that this stuff get out. In this day and age, people absorb information through video better than through the written word. I won’t get into whether this is good […]

Always a downside

Zippy mourns the passing of the Bush Era (click to make it legible):

Has Al Qaeda been defeated?

Juan Cole, who usually knows of what he speaks, says that Al Qaeda has been defeated: It is a dangerous thing for an analyst to say, because obviously radical Muslim extremists may at some point set off some more bombs and then everyone will point fingers and say how wrong I was. So let me […]

On to Iran? Maybe not right away.

A reader (I assume he’s a reader) passed along this story (Israel asks U.S. for arms, air corridor to attack Iran) from an Israeli Newspaper,, the essence of which is that the Israel was seeking U.S. cooperation to clear the way for an attack on Iran, but that the U.S. refused, buying Israel off […]

Friday Night Music-Traffic

Dear Mr. Fantasy, 1972. Audio and video not quite synced, but definitely a live performance. [youtube][/youtube]

Economic Disaster coming

Economists Warn Anti-Bush Merchandise Market Close To Collapse

You may have heard it here first

While perusing today’s Times, I came across this article (Investors Turn Gaze to A.I.G.), in which we hear the first rumblings about what will no doubt be the next Lehman Brothers: American International Group. This is yet another financial services company that is hemorrhaging money, partly because it was systematically looted by its management, who […]