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Monthly Archives: November 2008

Historical revisionism

When I read this letter in the Day this morning, I knew I just had to respond. The letter is full of distortions and historical inaccuracies, but I decided to go after the low hanging fruit. And, since I’m lazy, I decided to make my response do double duty as a blog post. Readers here […]

Republican Prospects

I first became politically aware in the early 60s. My father was a died in the wool Democrat, and though my mother was initially an independent, she always voted Democratic. The first election that I followed closely was the Goldwater-Johnson affair. I remember sitting in front of the TV screen with a scorecard, waiting to […]

Friday Night Music-Pink Floyd


Russ Feingold wants to restore the rule of law

This is one of the many reasons why an Obama victory was so important. Adam Cohen writes in the New York Times (Democratic Pressure on Obama to Restore the Rule of Law): In a Senate hearing room in September, weeks before Barack Obama won the election, a series of law professors, lawyers and civil libertarians […]

Rachel Maddow states the obvious

Only in America (one has to hope) does someone stating the reap such attention as Rachel Maddow has with this, which is all over the internets: Lieberman is a bitter, desiccated old man. He will miss no opportunity to wreak vengeance on the Democrats, who he believes have done him wrong. They’d be better off […]

Speaking unconditionally

Via the Washington Monthly, from the Washington Post: Since 2006, Iran’s leaders have called for direct, unconditional talks with the United States to resolve international concerns over their nuclear program. But as an American administration open to such negotiations prepares to take power, Iran’s political and military leaders are sounding suddenly wary of President-elect Barack […]

To bark, or not to bark

I never got the chance to thank the friends (who we all missed on election day) who (along with their dog) sent me this card: Now that the election is over I must admit that it has crossed my mind that maybe I should go back to pointless barking, though some might argue that I […]

A prediction: You won’t soon be seeing the 7 Aphorisms in a Park near you.

From the New York Times: PLEASANT GROVE CITY, Utah — Across the street from City Hall here sits a small park with about a dozen donated buildings and objects — a wishing well, a millstone from the city’s first flour mill and an imposing red granite monument inscribed with the Ten Commandments. Thirty miles to […]

Liars, damned liars and statistics

Nate Silver over at gives some context to the oft repeated claim that the surge in minority voters is responsible for the passage of proposition 8 in California: Certainly, the No on 8 folks might have done a better job of outreach to California’s black and Latino communities. But the notion that Prop 8 […]

Brave New Films: Lieberman Must Go II

This may load slowly. I’m guessing it’s being heavily viewed.