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Monthly Archives: March 2009

Tax the Bastards (all the Bastards)

Looks like there’s a bit of a disagreement among the financial writers at the Times. Yesterday Andrew Sorkin told us that we desperately need the folks who created this mess to get us out of it, so we should swallow hard and let them have their bonuses. But David Leonhardt is having none of it. […]

Scapegoating Dodd

I just got finished watching Olbermann’s show, in which law professor Jonathan Turley casually endorsed the canard that Chris Dodd is responsible for preserving AIG’s ability to pay the much and rightly maligned bonuses. We can expect Simmons to jump on this bandwagon. It’s a line also being pushed by the Treasury Department, which is […]

The sanctity of contracts and bonuses by other names

One of the drawbacks of being an evening blogger is that by the time you get a chance to put in your two cents on the morning news, most of what can be said has already been said. Nonetheless, let me add my mite to the chorus of outrage directed at Andrew Ross Sorkin of […]

Simmons makes it official

To the surprise of absolutely no one, Rob Simmons says his family was unanimous in support of the decision he made weeks ago: he will run against Dodd for the U.S. Senate. Simmons will run as a populist. If elected, he will follow his pattern as a Congressman, and be a loyal foot soldier for […]

AIG’s arm being twisted: It must give out big bonuses

AIG insists that it has no choice but to give out huge bonuses to the folks who drove it right off a cliff. Besides contractual obligations, it has to retain the “best and the brightest” (I didn’t make that up) to assist it in clearing out the wreckage caused by the best and the brightest. […]

Groton Forum

Yesterday, Nancy Wyman, Dan Malloy, Shirley Bysiewicz, and Jim Amann presented their “visions” for Connecticut to a packed house at the Groton Municipal Building. Dick Blumenthal was there too, but he just made some introductory remarks and then high tailed it to Hartford for a parade. Here’s the four, with our State Senator, Andy Maynard. […]

Acute Analysis

Any thinking person who watched the recent Jon Stewart-Jim Cramer confrontation could come away with no other conclusion but that it was a complete disaster for Cramer. Not only did Stewart make him look like an idiot, he produced clear evidence that he was also, during his trading days, a criminal. That’s not how Allessandra […]

Friday Night Music-The Tokens

Unbelievable that they can still sing this song. According to the youtube entry, this was recorded live in 2008. There’s an interesting story about this song. It was written by a poverty stricken African who remained poverty stricken for the rest of his life, while the song made millions for the folks who bought the […]

Stephen Colbert Goes Galt

I spent all day on trial, and my mind is frazzled, so I’ve given up thinking for the day. This is worth watching. It is a weird fact that the most nuanced punditry today is on the Comedy Channel. Sorry about the introductory commercial.

Blumenthal will also be coming to Groton

I just received word that Blumenthal will be joining Nancy Wyman, Susan Bysiewicz, Dan Malloy and Jim Amann here in Groton on Saturday. It’s not clear if he’ll be here as a potential candidate or in some other role. It really looks like this event will be the kick-off for the gubernatorial campaign. Place: Groton […]