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Monthly Archives: June 2009

Sunday Morning Trivia

I try to write something on this blog at least once a day, and I freely admit that some days it’s mostly filler. For instance, yesterday I heaped scorn on Charles Krauthammer. I admit it: no fruit can hang lower. Well, almost no fruit. We come now, again, to Maureen Dowd. She only writes two […]

Another day, another meme

One of the latest right wing memes accuses Obama of having a Messiah Complex. Charles Krauthammer runs with that argument in a column reproduced in this morning’s Day. (I will not link to Krauthammer, but you should have no trouble finding it). Krauthammer is actually a psychiatrist, though you’d never know it by reading his […]

Friday Night Music-All Wet Edition

No pearls of wisdom tonight, since we are committed to going somewhere. However, Friday Night Music being a sacred tradition, I had to put up something. Given the recent weather, this seemed appropriate. We’ve been slogging through rain all week. You can let it get you down, or cultivate the right attitude. Gene Kelly in […]


One nice thing about the fact that I get few comments is that few people are inconvenienced when something goes wrong with the comment feature. I just attempted to update my spam filter, which keeps out comment spam, which has been on the increase lately. (I see it, but it doesn’t get on the blog). […]

Casting the feature as a bug

The AMA is opposed to a public option in the health care bill. (It has since tried to soften its opposition, but only rhetorically). The AMA agrees with some Republicans, if there is a public option, people might prefer it: But in comments submitted to the Senate Finance Committee, the American Medical Association said: “The […]

Tweet, Tweet, Tweet

The Republicans appear to be dominating the political part of the world of Twitter. This was a self conscious strategy; having been thoroughly trounced in the blogosphere, they were not going to let themselves get beat again. So we get to read about Charles Grassley’s inane non-sequiturs, Gingrich’s fact free claims of Sotomayor’s alleged racism, […]

Madoff investors cry foul

I have a certain amount of sympathy for the Madoff victims, but I’m not sure it extends to giving them an AIG sized bailout. According to the Times ( “Victims of Madoff Seek Claims Overhaul“): In a step that would substantially increase the price tag for Bernard L. Madoff’s long-running Ponzi scheme, lawyers for a […]


Stuck at home today, as my bicycle is in the hospital. The first 10 speed I ever bought cost me $100.00. Over the years they’ve grown increasingly complex and expensive. The gear levers on my current bike, which are integrated somehow with the brake lever, simply stopped functioning. I don’t even know how they work, […]

Shocking news from New London

According to the Day, New London’s new police chief, Margaret Ackley, has promised a “no-nonsense, positive approach” to her job. I was shocked to hear about it. It seems to me that the all-nonsense negative approach has not been given a fair trial. Yes, there are some who might say that New London has been […]

Efficient Markets

Joe Nocera of the New York Times penned an interesting column yesterday about the death of an economic theory called the “efficient market hypothesis”. You know what the efficient market hypothesis is, don’t you? It’s a theory that grew out of the University of Chicago’s finance department, and long held sway in academic circles, that […]