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Monthly Archives: July 2009

Important GDTC meeting tomorrow

Tomorrow at 7:00 the Groton Democratic Town Committee will be meeting at the Town Hall Annex to nominate a slate of candidates for the elections in the fall. If you are on the committee, remember that we need a quorum, so please come to the meeting.

Health Care: Canada vs. U.S.

According to McClatchy, Canadians are much more likely than Americans to say they have access to all the affordable health care they need, but much more likely to gripe about waiting times. The figures are in this graphic below Now this tells us nothing about the actual waiting times, or the actual quality of care. […]

Great Veto Override

Congratulations to Representative Betsy Ritter (D-Waterford) (founding member and regular attendee of the SE CT Chapter of Drinking Liberally) and the Democratic Caucus for the override of Rell’s veto of the SustiNet plan for expanding health care access. Betsy has been talking about the bill for months and put a great deal of effort into […]

Bird Tale

Maybe there’s someone out there who can explain this. As I mentioned a few days ago, we spent the weekend in Vermont. Yesterday morning, I went out onto the deck of the house where we were staying and there was this little bird, sitting on the deck, who didn’t move a muscle when I approached. […]

Numerical illiteracy

We get the Boston Globe daily, so I was generally aware that there is a movement afoot to relieve us geezers of our driver’s licenses as we get older. Yesterday, an article in the Day, at least on the surface, seemed to imply that there was little evidence that the elderly driver was a threat. […]

Art on Groton Bank-hiatus for me

A few pictures from the Art on Groton Bank Exhibit today. An overview, with our historic Monument in the background. Cows. A collaborative effort, made on the spot. Is this a case of too many cooks? Though not strictly part of the show, there is a piece of art in that vicinity that we take […]

Merrick Alpert doubles his contributions

In for a dime, in for a dollar. Merrick Alpert donated almost twice as much to his campaign as all his other contributors put together. At least Merrick is putting his money where his mouth is. It’s sometimes forgotten that Merrick isn’t the only Democrat seeking to primary Dodd. According to, Roger Pearson has […]

Health Care

For reasons I can’t fathom, one of my reader’s comments are being blocked. I certainly didn’t do it, and I can’t figure out how to stop it. He emailed the comment to me after it was blocked, so I’m reproducing it below. If anyone else has had this problem I would appreciate it if they […]

Friday Night Music-Double Header

My younger son is visiting this weekend, and I asked him to recommend some music for tonight. These videos don’t quite qualify under my usual guidelines, as neither are live performances, but rules are for breaking, or at least bending. Rather than choose between his suggestions, I’m posting both. Yo La Tengo: And Pearl Jam

Joe Courtney on the “Ed Show”