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Monthly Archives: May 2010

Vanity candidates

We learn today (or yesterday if we watched television) that Janet Peckinpaugh most likely voted for Joe Courtney back in 2008. Or, to be more accurate, she’s not willing to say who she voted for, which leads to the obvious conclusion. The truth is, that Janet is a person who hitherto had no very fixed […]

Oh, the horror

My wife and I just got back from the Bee & Thistle, where we had a belated Mother’s Day Celebration, my wife’s actual Mother’s Day having been spent dealing with my mother. We had a great time, except… I am the type of person who is keenly aware of whatever music happens to be playing […]

What gives?

My wife and I abandoned the Hartford Courant for the Boston Globe some time ago, so we have been following this tawdry little story since its inception. A Catholic School in Hingham, Massachusetts, in Jesus’ holy name and in Christian love, rejected the application of an 8 year old for admission to its grammar school […]

Friday Night Music-Lena Horne

Okay, I admit that I don’t really know much about her, but she did die this week, and she was a great singer. This is her signature song, from the movie of the same name.

Too hot for the lizards

Tucked away on the bottom of the front page of the Day this morning was a tiny little article about the mass extinctions of lizards due to global warming. Here’s a fuller treatment at the National Geographic., though it doesn’t mention something pointed out in the Day: that the mass extinction of these lizards will […]

Bad Timing

TPM Reports: In campaigns — like in pro-wrestling — timing is everything. And Linda McMahon (R), last seenrunning way behind in the Connecticut Senate race, is proving she’s a master of when to say just the right thing. Fresh off news of the cataclysmic oil spill in the gulf of Mexico, McMahon recently distributed a […]


From the Day: The town’s Representative Town Meeting voted Tuesday night to cut from the 2010-2011 budget any appropriation for the Groton Long Point police force. Groton Long Point had requested $208,000, about 31 percent of its police budget, and the Groton Town Council included that request in the budget it passed last month. The […]

I’m rethinking…

My support for the Audit the Fed legislation, that is. It passed the Senate 96-0. It’s a bad sign-that unanimous vote. I’ve noticed in the past that substantive legislation that passes unanimously or near unanimously usually brings trouble. Consider the Patriot Act (though we can take some comfort from the surprisingly large numbers of Dems […]

Staples out-Bysiewicz up in the air

Cam Staples has dropped out of the AG race, leaving only George Jepsen and Susan Bysiewicz standing. Unfortunately, for Susan, we also learned today that the Republicans have appealed the trial court’s decision finding her eligible to run for the office, so you might say she is only half standing. The appeal shouldn’t come as […]

Smart move

Well, apparently Dan Malloy has chosen Nancy Wyman as his lieutenant governor, which may certainly help to solidify his support this side of the river. Everyone likes Nancy. This could set up an interesting situation, as when the primary comes, unless I’ve been misinformed, we vote for the two offices separately. So, we Lamont supporters, […]