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Monthly Archives: April 2011

Next, he’ll take on Mom and apple pie

The only thing that keeps Democrats in the running, politically, is the hubris of Republicans and their propensity to overreach, since they actually believe people elect them to do the things they deny they want to do while campaigning. Great example today on the hubris front, apart from cry-baby Boehner’s act in Washington. New Jersey […]

Worst ever?

Not yet, but a case can be made that he’s got a chance. Let us begin by stipulating that George Bush was the worst president in American history. This is a claim I have made before, and it is hard to believe that any serious minded individual would argue that any other president was worse […]

Like Mother, Like Daughter, Grifters both

They truly know no shame: In 2009, Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol joined a teen pregnancy prevention nonprofit called the Candie’s Foundation. Today, the Associated Pressreported that the Candie’s Foundation released its 2009 tax information, revealing that Bristol was paid a salary of $262,500. But a closer examination of the tax form by ThinkProgress shows that […]

There’s no success like failure

From the Department of You Couldn’t Make This Up: Transocean Ltd. gave its top executives bonuses for achieving the “best year in safety performance in our company’s history” – despite the explosion of its oil rig that killed 11 people and spilled 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. It’s truly a […]

Friday Night Music

A few weeks ago I taped a PBS Special In Performance at the White House, which honored the Motown Sound. I highly recommend it. I had a little trouble watching one of the Jonas Brothers singing Can’t Help Myself, but the rest of it was pretty good. Part of the fun was watching the audience, […]

New York Times parodies itself

I have, on occasion, noted that there appears to be a slight disparity in the way in which our media, including the “liberal” New York Times, reports on rallies held by right wingers as opposed to those held by left wingers. So long as two or more gather in the tea party’s name, the event […]