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Monthly Archives: October 2011

Same as it ever was

Or, if you prefer, more of the same. Or, alternatively, deja vu all over again. Under cover of a consent decree easily wrested from a Federal government eager to make the fraud case against the banks go away, the banks are now hiring robo-auditors to determine whether their customers were harmed by robo-signers. Care to […]

Friday Night Music

I was thinking of posting this a couple of days ago, but didn’t, and then Krugman used the opening lines to open his column this morning, so I decided that I would put it up. Not completely germane to the present occurrences in New York and elsewhere, but close enough. This version of For What […]

The New Iphone

I find I must weigh in on the new Iphone. The political punditry game is growing stale, considering that everything happening right now is pretty much déjà vu all over again, with the glorious exception of those kids on the street, about which I have had my say. As to what’s left, how many times […]

The Kids Are Alright

First they ignored them, and that didn’t work. Then they mocked them, and that didn’t work. Then they arrested them, and that didn’t work. The kids in New York and throughout the country who are following their lead, have the most to lose from the rise of the oligarchs. We oldsters can fade away, a […]

Fox reporter gets slammed

Okay. I’m jealous. Wouldn’t you love to do this good a job if you were interviewed by Fox? The kids in New York and in other cities seem to be doing it: forcing these issues into the conversation. Now, if only the politicians who call themselves Democrats would tap into this discontent and actually advocate […]

Where do these people come from?

I know that Newt and his wife have long since become mere caricatures, but I can’t resist piling on. I ask you, of the two entities depicted here, which looks more like it’s not quite real. Barbie looks more lifelike than Callista. From TPM.

Want the media’s attention? Stop Making Sense

Here’s an enlightening video: And here, to prove the point, is a picture that appears twice in this morning’s New London Day, once as a teaser and once as a half page picture accompanying an article about the protests.

Obama moves left

So, the Obama campaign is tacking left in order to win the presidential election, after spending the past three years tacking right in pursuit of the White Whale, otherwise known as the mythical homogeneous independent voters. So, we’ll be hearing a lot about Obama protecting Social Security and Medicare, which is probably good, because it […]

Buffett on class warfare

Warren Buffett on class warfare: QUESTIONER: Are you happy seeing your suggestion, this new Buffett Rule, becoming more of a basis of a political battle that really has turned into class warfare? BUFFETT: Actually, there’s been class warfare going on for the last 20 years, and my class has won. We’re the ones that have […]

The responsible mainstream media

Before I start this rant, let me say that I appreciate the fact that the New London Day is one of the best, if not the best, newspapers in the state, even now that Ted Mann is gone. But that, unfortunately proves only how low the profession has sunk. In this morning’s paper, a “poll” […]