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Monthly Archives: May 2012

Humpty Dumpty bested again

Richard Mourdock, who just beat Richard Lugar, in the Republican Senatorial primary in Indiana: Well, what I’ve said is that I certainly think bipartisanship ought to consist of Democrats coming to the Republican point of view. […] Bipartisanship means they have to come our way […] As a practical matter, this has been the operative […]

The Day does good

I’m a frequent critic of the New London Day, so it’s only fair that I give credit when they do something right, and they’ve done just that recently. In my other life I spend a lot of time in housing court, and the subject of their recent exposé is not unknown to me. Zane Megos […]

Pity poor Dean

I’m a big fan of Dean Baker. Every morning I check in to get his latest take on the sins of the press. It is his self appointed task to correct the economic illiteracy of the press and the punditocracy. It’s a horrible job, but someone has to do it. Still, it seems to me […]

Will they know it when they see it?

The IRS is grappling with a problem that only a lawyer, and a demented one at that, could take seriously: Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies, the political ad-buying organization cofounded by Republican strategist Karl Rove in 2010, has officially submitted its first tax forms with the Internal Revenue Service, and as expected, the group is formally […]

Yet another anti-corporate rant

Yesterday my wife and I went to Best Buy to replace a dead cordless telephone. This led to a conversation about the fact that I’d recently read that Best Buy isn’t doing too well lately, and is trying to make sure it does not follow the trajectory of Circuit City. This, in turn, got us […]

Friday Night Music

A couple of songs by folks I’ve featured before, but both deserve the repetition, and both are in the news lately. Bob Dylan is getting the Medal of Freedom. Fifty years late, some might argue, but better late than never, and the world knows he deserves it more than some of the half baked people […]

Both sides do it, whether they do or not

Thomas E. Mann of the Brookings Institution and Norman J. Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute, entrenched members of the punditocracy, and therefore very serious people, have just written an opinion piece in which they announce to a startled world that it is the Republicans who are responsible for the present state of our dysfunctional […]

Wall Street repaying Scott Brown

Looks like the financial industry has found a way to funnel piles of money to Scott Brown without the mess and bother of donating directly to his campaign fund, to which, in any event, they are limited to a mere pittance. The Boston Globe reports that they’ve been funneling money through a special RNC committee, […]

The English Language pleads for mercy under the Republican onslaught

Richard Grenell, is, or was, Romney’s National Security Spokesman, in charge of dispensing lies concerning Foreign Affairs. In a richly ironic development, he has had to resign from his job defending one form of Republican craziness because his open homosexuality got him in trouble with an entirely different group of Republican crazies. I have no […]