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Monthly Archives: September 2012

Apple loses its way

Apparently Apple is having some problems with its new mapping software: …Maps is so bad as to have created an entire tumblr dedicated to its awfulness, and the London Underground is offering assistance to the suddenly lost. My wife and I had a first hand experience of the awfulness today. We were driving up to […]

Friday Night Music-Common People

I'm wandering a bit here from my recent theme, which has been music Republicans have been forbidden to use. I'm stealing his from my son, who posted it on Facebook. It's not completely off theme, as I'm fairly sure The Pulp would not take kindly to Romney using their music, though I'm also pretty sure […]

Does he, or doesn’t he?

A friend sent me this link. I had actually seen a reference to this story in my meanderings on the web, but had gotten distracted and it went right down the old memory hole. Anyway, it seems there is probable cause to believe that Willard had his skin (temporarily) darkened for his appearance on Univision, […]

Magnamimous Linda

After having lambasted Murphy for falling behind in his bills, and catching up with them without any political pressure, Linda McMahon announces that she will repay the creditors she stiffed in her 1976 bankruptcy. And make no mistake, hers was a strategic bankruptcy. She didn’t have to do it, and she didn’t need a fresh […]

Romneys, father and son

Much has been written about the contrast between Willard, a man whose lack of principles is astonishing even for a Republican politician, and his father, who was a man of high principles. The latest I’ve seen is this article quoting at length from a letter from George Romney to Barry Goldwater, warning of the dangers […]


Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. A palpably gloomy and openly frustrated mood has begun to creep into Mr. Romney’s campaign for president. Well practiced in the art of lurching from public relations crisis to public relations crisis, his team seemed to reach its limit as it digested a ubiquitous set of video clips that […]

Webster Bank Pushes Back

A bit of pushback from the Webster Bank, whose reputation has been sullied by McMahon’s fictitious claims about Chris Murphy: Fed up over being dragged into the U.S. Senate race by Republican Linda McMahon, Webster Bank officials are publicly demanding her campaign retract allegations the institution is involved in a sweetheart deal with her opponent, […]

Who owns the 47%?

Okay, this is why, as I keep telling my wife, who totally lacks sympathy with my plight, why I should retire from my day job, let her support me, and be a full time blogger. But I must not bemoan the unfairness of the world, in which I, like my Obama supporting brethren, firmly believe […]

Romney and Bain

Feeling totally lazy, so my superior half suggested I post this, although 99% of humanity has probably already seen it.    

Something sane happens

Amazon is going to have to start paying sales taxes to the State of California. Apparently, at least for the moment, other states need not apply, though Amazon’s aspirations to achieve same day delivery (which implies distribution centers almost everywhere. ) seem to bode ill for any continued legal basis to justify Amazon’s exemption from […]