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Monthly Archives: May 2013

Good News from Hartford

If you’ve ever wondered why Connecticut’s voting laws are so backward-practically Southern in their resistance to making it easier to vote- wonder no more. For reasons that most likely no one can articulate, our basic voting law is embedded in our Constitution, impervious to change by mere legislative action. It is unconstitutional for the legislature […]

Unseemliness in Boston

Prior to the Boston Marathon bombings perhaps the most hated person(s) in the history of that fair city (apart from Bucky Dent) were the Redcoats that opened fire during the Boston Massacre. John Adams stepped up and, despite the potential impact on his political career, provided a successful defense. His actions paid personal and historical […]

Dems in Groton City Win a Big One

Congrats to the Groton City Democrats: Democratic incumbent Mayor Marian Galbraith secured a second term Monday, defeating Republican challenger James Streeter. Meanwhile, Republicans gained one seat on the council with the election of two of their candidates. “I feel great. I’m very honored to have the confidence of the residents of the city,” Galbraith said. […]

A way of life

It seems that the folks in Burkesville, Kentucky feel unfairly put upon. Some people don’t understand why they feel perfectly comfortable giving real guns to five year olds, or why they can’t see how a parent that leaves such a loaded gun available for said five year old to shoot his 2 year old sister […]

Friday Night Music

I saw Iggy Pop on the Colbert Show this week, and it occurred to me that I’d never put him in this feature. Truth to tell I was only dimly aware of his existence back in the day, though I knew he was in the same basic camp as Lou Reed and David Bowie. So, […]

Red Sox feeling put upon

I’m a die hard Sox fan, but I’m realistic enough to know that there’s a lot of willful suspension of disbelief necessary to root for any sports team. At the bottom, they are just businesses. One of my pet peeves is the avidity with which our governments at every level dole out subsidies and outright […]


I now compose most of my posts on my Ipad, and I use an app with the original name of “Posts” to do so. It is the best app I’ve found for the purpose, but I was distressed to find out yesterday that, for reasons that I certainly can’t fathom, it defaults to a “no […]


Unbelievable. Well, unfortunately, not unbelievable: BURKESVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Authorities in southern Kentucky say a 2-year-old girl has been accidentally shot and killed by her 5-year-old brother, who was playing with a .22-caliber rifle he received as a gift. Kentucky State Police said the toddler was shot just after 1 p.m. CDT Tuesday in Cumberland […]

Not so fast-the Dems could blow this one too

Ted Cruz, the man who makes his fellow senators look good, is apparently thinking of running for President, and at least one blogger at Daily Kos is licking his (or her) chops: Cruz is a perfect candidate for the right: He’s as crazy as Michele Bachmann, but instead of degrees from Winona State University and […]