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Monthly Archives: October 2016

Great piece of writing

I read about this book review on another blog, unfortunately, I’ve forgotten which one, so I can’t give proper credit. Anyway, as that blogger pointed out, It’s an amazing piece of work by Michiko Kakutani of the New York Times. The book under review is a new biography of Hitler. But the review is really […]

A bit of sympathy for Dave Collins?

I’ve written a number of posts about the New London Day’s columnist, Dave Collins. Dave, despite the cynical tone of so many of his columns, is, it turns out, a fairly naive guy. He decided that any Republican who refused to renounce Donald Trump was beyond the pale. I think he actually thought that the […]

What’s in store for debate two

Although I might still be needing a clothespin when I cast my vote next month, I have to admit that I’m super impressed by the Clinton campaign, and the trap it laid for the Donald in the first debate. It’s dollars to donuts that they have something completely different to bait him in the second […]