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Monthly Archives: April 2018

With friends like these

In the past I’ve noted the fact that there exists a host of griftersthat prey on suckers on the right. A lot of these grifters are of the unofficial sort; direct mailers that claim to be raising money for a cause or candidate, when in fact most, if not all, of the money goes to the […]

Bolton v. Putin?

It was almost exactly a year ago today that Trump bombed Syria, earning plaudits from the likes of Fareed Zakaria, who famously declared that Trump had become president. It quickly became known that Trump and/or his people had given the Russians (and therefore the Syrians) a heads up so far as the target was concerned, […]

Strike a blow for net neutrality

The Republicans in the State Senate blocked the net neutrality bill using a parliamentary trick: Sen. Paul Formica, R-East Lyme and co-chairman of the Energy and Technology Committee, used his authority to split the committee and allow only the four senators to vote. While Democrats have a majority in the committee when House members are […]

Leaves Scott Pruitt Alone!

Some on the left are all atwitter about the fact that Scott Pruitt got a sweetheart deal on a condo in Washington from a lobbyist for whom he could do favors at the EPA. The Environmental Protection Agency signed off last March on a Canadian energy company’s pipeline-expansion plan at the same time that the […]

History isn’t always written by the winners

I just finished Ron Chernow’s Grant, a book I highly recommend.One thing the book brings home is the fact that the history of the Civil War, particularly the post-Civil War period, was written, not by the winners, but by the losers. I’ve been a history nut all my life. I remember reading every Landmark book […]