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Monthly Archives: April 2020

Venting while quarantined. Why not?

Here’s an article I ran across with a title that raises an interesting issue: TV networks air Trump 10 hours a week-in 2014 they refused to air Obama for 10 minutes. It’s subtitled: Different rules for Democrats. Indeed, there are different rules for Democrats, in large part because the Democrats fail to demand that the rules that […]

Hey Susan, what lesson did Donald learn?

The crumbling of the Republic proceeds apace, as Trump, t aking advantage of a plague he is responsible for amplifying, takes steps that will be mostly ignored by a distracted populace and press: National Security Analyst Samantha Vinograd laid into Trump for firing Inspector General Michael Atkinson yesterday. IG Atkinson was doing his job, and […]

Told like it is

My wife and I subscribe to the Boston Globe, though we are more than a stone’s throw from that fair city, for reasons that, if not already known to the reader, will become obvious in the course of this post. The Globe’s coverage of the genius has, compared, for example, to the New York Times, […]