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Monthly Archives: November 2020

A hopeful sign?

Maybe I’m engaging in a little wishful thinking, but this gives me reason to hope: Sixteen U.S. Attorneys, all of whom were specifically assigned to monitor the 2020 election, have sent Bill Barr a letter confirming that there is no evidence of any election irregularities. In other words, all that Barr has done is to […]

But of course

It is practically a law of nature. If Republicans accuse Democrats of some heinous activity, they are surely doing it themselves. This is funny, but also entirely what you would expect: As ballots across the country continue to be counted, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said he’s offering a $1 million reward for evidence of […]

A bit of history

I have never listened to the music of Hamilton, much less seen the Broadway show, but my reaction to what I heard about the play was always pretty much the same as that of Eric Loomis, over at Lawyers, Guns & Money. I was both mystified and irritated that anyone would portray Hamilton as some […]

You know, the constitution isn’t really all it’s cracked up to be

I know I should still be celebrating Biden’s victory, but, along with John Fogarty, I see a bad moon rising. Kurt Gödel, he of the incompleteness theorem, came to this country from Germany in the thirties, to Princeton, where he was pals with Albert Einstein. When he became a citizen he was anxious to explain […]

An easy prediction

I’ve mentioned before that The Palmer Report is a guilty pleasure of mine. They usually get their facts right, though the conclusions they draw from those facts are often subject to doubt, though I will say that they their analysis of the election results has been right on. But I must take issue with this […]

A four years wait is over, sort of

The networks have finally called the election, and while it’s absolutely clear they would have called it two days ago had the situation been reversed, we can still feel good about things. In fact, I’ve decided to put a downer post that I’m writing on hold for a while, though rest assured, it will go […]