A few pictures from the Appreciation Dinner that the Groton Democrats held for Dee Harrell and John Wheeler on March 14, 2008.
First, Dee with the usual suspects, from Left to Right, State Rep Ted Moukawsher, State Rep Elissa Wright, State Senator Andy Maynard, Dee, and Attorney General Richard Blumenthal.
John with the same folks, except Ted is missing for some reason.
My fellow Charter Revision Commission member Shirley Dunbar-Rose, with her new camera, which made me green with envy.
Party Chair Nancy DiNardo, who came to praise Dee and John, and also to try to get us to sign up for Connecticut Democrats charge cards. (If you sign up the state party gets about $45.00 if you use it only once.)
Dick Blumenthal. I don’t know how the guy does it, he’s everywhere.
John Wheeler listens while someone sings his praises.